Diablo 3 news & videos not loading
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grouphugs | Mercredi 6 Avril 2016 à 19:16 |
Hey guys! I tried installing the firefox napi flash version on the virtual drive, but still no luck. I also tried installing the Hearthstone virtual drive, which comes pre-packaged with flash, but still no luck. This is bugging the heck out of me. Anyone know what I can do here?
error Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x0000049c in 32-bit code (0x10b489bb). Register dump: CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b EIP:10b489bb ESP:0033c848 EBP:0033c850 EFLAGS:00010246( R- -- I Z- -P- ) EAX:00000000 EBX:00000001 ECX:35628868 EDX:359ae2c0 ESI:0033c880 EDI:30718960 Stack dump: 0x0033c848: 0033ca48 3e048000 0033c8d4 10b48f07 0x0033c858: 0033c880 3e048000 30666e78 35b10f6c 0x0033c868: 00000001 306f5588 00000001 00000001 0x0033c878: 3e048000 3e048001 35b10f6c 00000001 0x0033c888: 00000001 00000000 3f800000 00000000 0x0033c898: 00000055 00000000 00000000 00000000 Backtrace: =>0 0x10b489bb in libcef (+0xb489bb) (0x0033c850) 1 0x10b48f07 in libcef (+0xb48f06) (0x0033c8d4) 2 0x10b5458b in libcef (+0xb5458a) (0x0033c9e0) 3 0x10b55ca2 in libcef (+0xb55ca1) (0x0033cb04) 4 0x10aecb9e in libcef (+0xaecb9d) (0x0033d528) 5 0x10aec945 in libcef (+0xaec944) (0x0033d6a0) 6 0x10aec59d in libcef (+0xaec59c) (0x0033d730) 7 0x10adcbfe in libcef (+0xadcbfd) (0x0033d7c4) 8 0x10adc045 in libcef (+0xadc044) (0x0033d7e8) 9 0x10acc1b0 in libcef (+0xacc1af) (0x0033d800) 10 0x10adc3d9 in libcef (+0xadc3d8) (0x0033d854) 11 0x10adc90b in libcef (+0xadc90a) (0x0033d888) 12 0x10adcc0e in libcef (+0xadcc0d) (0x0033d91c) 13 0x10adc045 in libcef (+0xadc044) (0x0033d940) 14 0x10acc1b0 in libcef (+0xacc1af) (0x0033d958) 15 0x10adc3d9 in libcef (+0xadc3d8) (0x0033d9ac) 16 0x10adc90b in libcef (+0xadc90a) (0x0033d9e0) 17 0x10adcc0e in libcef (+0xadcc0d) (0x0033da74) 18 0x10adc045 in libcef (+0xadc044) (0x0033da98) 19 0x10acc1b0 in libcef (+0xacc1af) (0x0033dab0) 20 0x10adc3d9 in libcef (+0xadc3d8) (0x0033db04) 21 0x10adc90b in libcef (+0xadc90a) (0x0033db38) 22 0x10adcc0e in libcef (+0xadcc0d) (0x0033dbcc) 23 0x10adc045 in libcef (+0xadc044) (0x0033dbf0) 24 0x10acc1b0 in libcef (+0xacc1af) (0x0033dc08) 25 0x10adc3d9 in libcef (+0xadc3d8) (0x0033dc5c) 26 0x10adc90b in libcef (+0xadc90a) (0x0033dc90) 27 0x10adcc0e in libcef (+0xadcc0d) (0x0033dd24) 28 0x10adc045 in libcef (+0xadc044) (0x0033dd48) 29 0x10acc1b0 in libcef (+0xacc1af) (0x0033dd60) 30 0x10b25a74 in libcef (+0xb25a73) (0x0033dd74) 31 0x10adbb35 in libcef (+0xadbb34) (0x0033dd94) 32 0x10b5607b in libcef (+0xb5607a) (0x0033ddbc) 33 0x10b55b7e in libcef (+0xb55b7d) (0x0033dee8) 34 0x10aecb9e in libcef (+0xaecb9d) (0x0033e90c) 35 0x10aec945 in libcef (+0xaec944) (0x0033ea84) 36 0x10aec59d in libcef (+0xaec59c) (0x0033eb14) 37 0x10adcbfe in libcef (+0xadcbfd) (0x0033eba8) 38 0x10adc045 in libcef (+0xadc044) (0x0033ebcc) 39 0x10acc1b0 in libcef (+0xacc1af) (0x0033ebe4) 40 0x10adc3d9 in libcef (+0xadc3d8) (0x0033ec38) 41 0x10adc90b in libcef (+0xadc90a) (0x0033ec6c) 42 0x10adcc0e in libcef (+0xadcc0d) (0x0033ed00) 43 0x10adc045 in libcef (+0xadc044) (0x0033ed24) 44 0x10acc1b0 in libcef (+0xacc1af) (0x0033ed3c) 45 0x10adc3d9 in libcef (+0xadc3d8) (0x0033ed90) 46 0x10adc90b in libcef (+0xadc90a) (0x0033edc4) 47 0x10adcc0e in libcef (+0xadcc0d) (0x0033ee58) 48 0x10adc045 in libcef (+0xadc044) (0x0033ee7c) 49 0x10acc1b0 in libcef (+0xacc1af) (0x0033ee94) 50 0x10adc3d9 in libcef (+0xadc3d8) (0x0033eee8) 51 0x10adc90b in libcef (+0xadc90a) (0x0033ef1c) 52 0x10adcc0e in libcef (+0xadcc0d) (0x0033efb0) 53 0x10adc045 in libcef (+0xadc044) (0x0033efd4) 54 0x10acc1b0 in libcef (+0xacc1af) (0x0033efec) 55 0x10adc3d9 in libcef (+0xadc3d8) (0x0033f040) 56 0x10adc90b in libcef (+0xadc90a) (0x0033f074) 57 0x10adcc0e in libcef (+0xadcc0d) (0x0033f108) 58 0x10adc045 in libcef (+0xadc044) (0x0033f12c) 59 0x10acc1b0 in libcef (+0xacc1af) (0x0033f144) 60 0x10adc3d9 in libcef (+0xadc3d8) (0x0033f198) 61 0x10adc90b in libcef (+0xadc90a) (0x0033f1cc) 62 0x10adcc0e in libcef (+0xadcc0d) (0x0033f260) 63 0x10adc045 in libcef (+0xadc044) (0x0033f284) 64 0x10acc1b0 in libcef (+0xacc1af) (0x0033f29c) 65 0x10adc3d9 in libcef (+0xadc3d8) (0x0033f2f0) 66 0x10adc90b in libcef ( +0xadc90a) (0x0033f324) 67 0x10adcc0e in libcef (+0xadcc0d) (0x0033f3b8) 68 0x10adc045 in libcef (+0xadc044) (0x0033f3dc) 69 0x10acc1b0 in libcef (+0xacc1af) (0x0033f3f4) 70 0x10a93824 in libcef (+0xa93823) (0x0033f430) 71 0x108612e6 in libcef (+0x8612e5) (0x0033f484) 72 0x108605fc in libcef (+0x8605fb) (0x0033f4fc) 73 0x108647a8 in libcef (+0x8647a7) (0x0033f528) 74 0x108645c5 in libcef (+0x8645c4) (0x0033f544) 75 0x108aa2f1 in libcef (+0x8aa2f0) (0x0033f558) 76 0x1066a92f in libcef (+0x66a92e) (0x0033f568) 77 0x106525a6 in libcef (+0x6525a5) (0x0033f598) 78 0x118c68a3 in libcef (+0x18c68a2) (0x0033f6ac) 79 0x118c84c0 in libcef (+0x18c84bf) (0x0033f6c0) 80 0x118c8abf in libcef (+0x18c8abe) (0x0033f6e8) 81 0x1014d141 in libcef (+0x14d140) (0x0033f790) 82 0x10124df8 in libcef (+0x124df7) (0x0033f880) 83 0x10124606 in libcef (+0x124605) (0x0033f918) 84 0x1014ea97 in libcef (+0x14ea96) (0x0033f93c) 85 0x10124bb0 in libcef (+0x124baf) (0x0033f96c) 86 0x10124b66 in libcef (+0x124b65) (0x0033f990) 87 0x11c40ebc in libcef (+0x1c40ebb) (0x0033fc08) 88 0x114e4bee in libcef (+0x14e4bed) (0x0033fc28) 89 0x114e4aa6 in libcef (+0x14e4aa5) (0x0033fc88) 90 0x114e3de3 in libcef (+0x14e3de2) (0x0033fc98) 91 0x10078eec in libcef (+0x78eeb) (0x0033fd5c) 92 0x10046fcd in libcef (+0x46fcc) (0x0033fd80) 93 0x00485fdb in helper (+0x85fda) (0x0033fd9c) 94 0x004014af in helper (+0x14ae) (0x0033fdcc) 95 0x0049cb89 in helper (+0x9cb88) (0x0033fe60) 96 0x7b861c3c call_process_entry+0xb() in kernel32 (0x0033fe78) 97 0x7b86573b in kernel32 (+0x5573a) (0x0033feb8) 98 0x7bc7d920 call_thread_func_wrapper+0xb() in ntdll (0x0033fed8) 99 0x7bc7db7d call_thread_func+0x7c() in ntdll (0x0033ffa8) 100 0x7bc7d8fe RtlRaiseException+0x21() in ntdll (0x0033ffc8) 101 0x7bc53e6e in ntdll (+0x43e6d) (0x0033ffe8) 0x10b489bb: movl 0x49c(%eax),%ecx Modules: Module Address Debug info Name (119 modules) PE 400000- 554000 Export helper PE 1cc0000- 1e65000 Deferred ffmpegsumo PE 10000000-12408000 Export libcef PE 78aa0000-78b5f000 Deferred msvcr100 ELF 7b800000-7ba4a000 Dwarf kernel32<elf> \-PE 7b810000-7ba4a000 \ kernel32 ELF 7bc00000-7bcd0000 Dwarf ntdll<elf> \-PE 7bc10000-7bcd0000 \ ntdll ELF 7bf00000-7bf03000 Deferred <wine-loader> ELF 7d2b8000-7d2be000 Deferred ELF 7d2be000-7d2c9000 Deferred ELF 7d2c9000-7d2dc000 Deferred ELF 7d2dc000-7d2e0000 Deferred ELF 7d2e0000-7d2ed000 Deferred ELF 7d2ed000-7d2f9000 Deferred ELF 7d2f9000-7d300000 Deferred ELF 7d300000-7d304000 Deferred ELF 7d304000-7d32b000 Deferred ELF 7d32b000-7d47a000 Deferred ELF 7d47a000-7d48f000 Deferred ELF 7d48f000-7d51a000 Deferred winex11<elf> \-PE 7d4a0000-7d51a000 \ winex11 ELF 7d51a000-7d5a5000 Deferred ELF 7d5a5000-7d5db000 Deferred ELF 7d5db000-7d619000 Deferred ELF 7d619000-7d62e000 Deferred ELF 7d62e000-7d662000 Deferred ELF 7d662000-7d6c4000 Deferred ELF 7d6c4000-7d6f6000 Deferred ELF 7d6f6000-7d843000 Deferred ELF 7d843000-7d8c7000 Deferred ELF 7d8d6000-7d909000 Deferred uxtheme<elf> \-PE 7d8e0000-7d909000 \ uxtheme ELF 7da09000-7da33000 Deferred ELF 7da33000-7da7c000 Deferred ELF 7da7c000-7daf1000 Deferred ELF 7daf1000-7dc17000 Deferred ELF 7dc17000-7dc97000 Deferred ELF 7dc97000-7dcd4000 Deferred ELF 7dcd4000-7dce5000 Deferred ELF 7dce5000-7dda9000 Deferred ELF 7ddac000-7ddb3000 Deferred ELF 7ddeb000-7ded3000 Deferred msvcp100<elf> \-PE 7de30000-7ded3000 \ msvcp100 ELF 7ded3000-7df3d000 Deferred setupapi<elf> \-PE 7dee0000-7df3d000 \ setupapi ELF 7df3d000-7e001000 Deferred crypt32<elf> \-PE 7df50000-7e001000 \ crypt32 ELF 7e001000-7e01a000 Deferred ELF 7e01b000-7e05c000 Deferred usp10<elf> \-PE 7e020000-7e05c000 \ usp10 ELF 7e05c000-7e080000 Deferred iphlpapi<elf> \-PE 7e060000-7e080000 \ iphlpapi ELF 7e080000-7e0ac000 Deferred netapi32<elf> \-PE 7e090000-7e0ac000 \ netapi32 ELF 7e0ac000-7e0da000 Deferred secur32<elf> \-PE 7e0b0000-7e0da000 \ secur32 ELF 7e0da000-7e0fc000 Deferred oleacc<elf> \-PE 7e0e0000-7e0fc000 \ oleacc ELF 7e0fc000-7e11e000 Deferred imm32<elf> \-PE 7e100000-7e11e000 \ imm32 ELF 7e11e000-7e150000 Deferred ws2_32<elf> \-PE 7e130000-7e150000 \ ws2_32 ELF 7e150000-7e178000 Deferred msacm32<elf> \-PE 7e160000-7e178000 \ msacm32 ELF 7e178000-7e22b000 Deferred winmm<elf> \-PE 7e180000-7e22b000 \ winmm ELF 7e22b000-7e29f000 Deferred wininet<elf> \-PE 7e230000-7e29f000 \ wininet ELF 7e29f000-7e332000 Deferred urlmon<elf> \-PE 7e2b0000-7e332000 \ urlmon ELF 7e356000-7e35f000 Deferred ELF 7e35f000-7e375000 Deferred wtsapi32<elf> \-PE 7e360000-7e375000 \ wtsapi32 ELF 7e375000-7e39a000 Deferred mpr<elf> \-PE 7e380000-7e39a000 \ mpr ELF 7e39a000-7e3b3000 Deferred ELF 7e3b3000-7e3ca000 Deferred userenv<elf> \-PE 7e3c0000-7e3ca000 \ userenv ELF 7e3ca000-7e404000 Deferred winhttp<elf> \-PE 7e3d0000-7e404000 \ winhttp ELF 7e404000-7e51d000 Deferred oleaut32<elf> \-PE 7e420000-7e51d000 \ oleaut32 ELF 7e51d000-7e597000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf> \-PE 7e530000-7e597000 \ rpcrt4 ELF 7e597000-7e6ad000 Deferred ole32<elf> \-PE 7e5b0000-7e6ad000 \ ole32 ELF 7e6ad000-7e7a5000 Deferred comctl32<elf> \-PE 7e6c0000-7e7a5000 \ comctl32 ELF 7e7a5000-7e9c2000 Deferred shell32<elf> \-PE 7e7b0000-7e9c2000 \ shell32 ELF 7e9c2000-7eaa8000 Deferred comdlg32<elf> \-PE 7e9d0000-7eaa8000 \ comdlg32 ELF 7eaa8000-7eae7000 Deferred winspool<elf> \-PE 7eab0000-7eae7000 \ winspool ELF 7eae7000-7eb4d000 Deferred advapi32<elf> \-PE 7eaf0000-7eb4d000 \ advapi32 ELF 7eb4d000-7ec5b000 Deferred gdi32<elf> \-PE 7eb60000-7ec5b000 \ gdi32 ELF 7ec5b000-7eda3000 Deferred user32<elf> \-PE 7ec70000-7eda3000 \ user32 ELF 7eda3000-7ee13000 Deferred shlwapi<elf> \-PE 7edb0000-7ee13000 \ shlwapi ELF 7ee13000-7ee26000 Deferred ELF 7ee28000-7ee3c000 Deferred dhcpcsvc<elf> \-PE 7ee30000-7ee3c000 \ dhcpcsvc ELF 7ee3c000-7ee55000 Deferred version<elf> \-PE 7ee40000-7ee55000 \ version ELF 7ee55000-7ee68000 Deferred psapi<elf> \-PE 7ee60000-7ee68000 \ psapi ELF f739f000-f73f4000 Deferred ELF f73f4000-f73f9000 Deferred ELF f73fa000-f75af000 Deferred ELF f75af000-f75cc000 Deferred ELF f75cc000-f75d0000 Deferred ELF f7605000-f760e000 Deferred ELF f760e000-f77c1000 Dwarf ELF f77c2000-f77e6000 Deferred ELF f77e8000-f77e9000 Deferred [vdso].so Threads: process tid prio (all id:s are in hex) 0000000e services.exe 0000003c 0 0000001c 0 00000014 0 00000010 0 0000000f 0 00000012 winedevice.exe 0000001b 0 00000018 0 00000017 0 00000013 0 00000019 plugplay.exe 0000001f 0 0000001e 0 0000001a 0 00000022 explorer.exe 00000023 0 00000042 Agent.exe 00000021 0 0000002d 0 0000002c 0 0000002b 0 0000002a 0 00000029 0 00000028 0 00000027 0 00000026 0 00000030 0 0000001d 0 0000002e 0 0000002f 0 00000047 0 00000043 0 00000041 00000089 0 00000077 0 00000076 0 00000075 0 00000074 0 00000073 0 0000006f 0 00000060 0 00000064 0 00000061 0 0000005e -2 0000005f 0 00000059 0 00000057 0 0000005c 0 0000005b 0 0000005a 0 00000055 0 00000054 0 00000053 0 00000052 0 00000051 0 00000050 0 0000004f 0 0000004e 0 0000004d 0 0000004c 0 0000004b 0 0000004a 0 00000049 0 00000048 0 00000033 0 00000045 0 00000046 0 00000037 0 00000036 0 00000035 0 00000034 0 00000025 0 0000000d 0 0000000b 0 00000020 0 0000003d 15 0000003b 0 0000000c 0 00000044 0 00000024 0 0000003a 0 00000031 0 00000039 0 00000038 0 00000009 0 0000003f 0 0000008c (D) Z:\media\p3pt\backup\opt\games\\\ Helper.exe 0000007a 0 00000065 0 00000097 0 00000096 0 00000095 0 00000094 0 00000093 0 00000092 0 00000091 0 00000090 0 0000008f 0 0000008e 0 0000008d 0 <== System information: Wine build: wine-1.7.15 Platform: i386 Host system: Linux Host version: 4.4.5-1-ARCH |
BaalGhost | Mercredi 13 Avril 2016 à 12:04 |
Hi there! Same problem here. The game works fine while Battle Net news throws that error: Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x0000049c in 32-bit code (0x10b489bb). Register dump: CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b EIP:10b489bb ESP:0033c7b0 EBP:0033c7b8 EFLAGS:00210246( R- -- I Z- -P- ) EAX:00000000 EBX:00000001 ECX:44428940 EDX:447c67e0 ESI:0033c7e8 EDI:37d18870 Stack dump: 0x0033c7b0: 0033c9b0 0033cb7c 0033c83c 10b48f07 0x0033c7c0: 0033c7e8 22248000 37c66ad0 4444d23c 0x0033c7d0: 0000000a 37cf5048 00000001 00000001 0x0033c7e0: 0033cb7c 0033ca04 4444d23c 0000000a 0x0033c7f0: 0000000a 00000000 3f800000 00000000 0x0033c800: 00000055 00000000 0033c800 00000000 |
grouphugs | Mercredi 27 Avril 2016 à 16:42 |
Follow this guide did the trick. I used wine 1.9.7 though. Edité par grouphugs |
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