
Can't find existing scripts

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scrub Lundi 21 Janvier 2013 à 4:00


I want to look at the install scripts (specifically the one for HOMM3) to possibly contribute to playonlinux, but I can't seem to find them. I looked around the directory structure, did a find command, and looked through the forums but didn't find anything to help. I have the "4.1.10-dev" version of playonlinux from git. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Also, what is the best way to submit script updates: Should I start by posting in the Application Test forum, or submit a script bug, or just email an updated script?

The issue is that HOMM3 installs wine 1.4.1, which has a pretty serious regression for that game. The script should install 1.3.19, which is the last working version of WINE that doesn't have the bug (at least for me). It's a known bug because someone else mentioned 1.3.19 in the forum, but the script was never changed.

petch Lundi 21 Janvier 2013 à 8:45


Install scripts are downloaded from the server, click on "Supported software" link on the left, and navigate from there (same sections as in the client). If you want to experiment with them, copy&paste the source, make your changes, and then run your locally modified version (Tools > Run a local script, or use playonlinux-bash on it).

About the way to submit script updates, I'm not sure...
Ideally, it should be script maintainer that's contacted, because (s)he's responsible for the script, must have the program hence can test the proposed changes, etc. However for scripts written long ago, original author and maintainer may not visit the site often anymore.
At that point other maintainers come in as a fallback, but they may or may not have the program, in the latter case they must be sufficiently confident that your changes will bring improvements, and then trust changes testing on you, to modify anything. It may not be as difficult as it seems, as many script are in obvious need of maintenance.
Now, Application Test forum or Bug tracker... I'd say that in both cases you should be as clear as possible, mentioning all possibly relevant information (distro, hardware, POL version,...) what you tried, what you expected, what you got instead, as factually as possible. This is specially true for the Bug tracker (the Bug tracker is a tool to help us fix things). I would like to say "pick the forum for a larger audience" but not so many people reply in the forum :(

About HoMM3 and Wine 1.3.19, are you talking of this thread:

scrub Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 à 21:35

I found the script, thank you.

Edit: It erased my text below the quote. Yes, that is the post I was referring to. I think I will run a more thorough test and try to submit a bug, then try to fix the script.

About HoMM3 and Wine 1.3.19, are you talking of this thread:

Quote from petch

Edité par scrub

petch Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 à 21:45

For HoMM3 this is not a problem with Wine 1.4, this is not even a problem with Wine, 800x600 is the resolution supported by the game, that's all (and the thread is not about the GOG HoMM3 install script, since this script didn't exist at the time).

As written in the script description however, it exists a second script that install a game patch, allowing to change HoMM3 resolution.
scrub Samedi 26 Janvier 2013 à 13:57

The resolution isn't the issue. From my experience, any version of wine after 1.3.19 has given me a window focus issue when opening a screen to purchase units. For example, if I click on the building to purchase gremlins, the window comes up but I can't click anything else because the mouse is now acting weird (the window has lost focus). Alt-tabbing fixes the problem temporarily (giving the window focus again).
petch Samedi 26 Janvier 2013 à 17:58

Aha, this bug then:

Since I almost always run Wine in a virtual desktop to prevent it from messing up my dual monitor resolutions, hence why I didn't experience it.

I downgraded Wine versions in the scripts, but really someone should step in and bisect this issue some day...
scrub Lundi 28 Janvier 2013 à 18:52

You got it, thanks.

I have seen that page. One thing I don't understand is why nobody has submitted it to Wine as a bug, it's only in the Test Results.

Edit: found the bug and linked it to the HoMM3 wine page :)

Edité par scrub

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