
How to add PlayOnLinux programs into gnome menu?

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rkrug Mercredi 5 Décembre 2012 à 14:23


Some shortcus to my programs I installed in PlayOnLinux are missing from the gnome menu. Is there a way that I can add them manually or recreate them?

Ubuntu Quantal
PlayOnLinux 4.1.8


petch Mercredi 5 Décembre 2012 à 14:28


You can create shortcuts to playonlinux, with parameters --run "Name of the Shortcut"
rkrug Mercredi 5 Décembre 2012 à 15:00

OK - I could create these entries manually (didn't know about the --run - usweful!). I also can create the .desktop file by selecting "Create shortcut" in PlayOnLinux, but this is created on the Desktop. Where do I have to move this .desktop file to be included in my gnome menu (the wine sub-section) and which command do I have tu run to update the menu?

And do I have to do all these stepd manually?

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