
[Test] Lotro(Lord of The Rings Online) instalation script!

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steve723 Lundi 20 Mai 2013 à 18:40

I just tried adding Wine 1.5.30 to the VD. Unfortunatly pylotro still will not run.
steve723 Lundi 20 Mai 2013 à 18:54

I just tried running the main script aagain and this is the playonlinux err from the crash dialog box:
Error in POL_Download
Unable to download after 5 attemps
steve723 Mardi 21 Mai 2013 à 1:27

Is there anyway to force pylotro to repatch the game even when it thinks you have everything?
hyperfang8 Mardi 21 Mai 2013 à 20:00

Is there anyway to force pylotro to repatch the game even when it thinks you have everything?

Quote from steve723

I will have to setup lotro on my machine again to  test it when i get home.

Avoid the Gates of Hell. Use
steve723 Vendredi 24 Mai 2013 à 13:45

I used used configure to switch to wine 1.5.18 and now it works. No higher version seems to work.
steve723 Vendredi 24 Mai 2013 à 13:47

Where can I get the splash screens and where do they go?
ravenouz Dimanche 11 Aoüt 2013 à 17:23

I got the same error with the dontnet 2.0 I just cancelled the script then used playonlinux to install a downloaded version from Microsoft then reran the script to get past that part and chose to update files waiting for download of lotro to finish before proceeding to install but so far script is running fine

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