

now working

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jboss1995 Jeudi 8 Novembre 2012 à 5:10

Hi all


It seams that someone got Netflix working on Linux.  It needs some patches and 6 or so steps to get it working. It sounds like the perfect PlayOnLinux app. How can we get it added?
Quentin PÂRIS Jeudi 8 Novembre 2012 à 12:00
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Can you repost your link please ?
jboss1995 Jeudi 8 Novembre 2012 à 14:18

Can you repost your link please ?

Quote from Tinou

i did, it is that javascript:nicTemp(); i don't know why it showed up like that.
jboss1995 Vendredi 9 Novembre 2012 à 7:35

why is no one answering?
Quentin PÂRIS Vendredi 9 Novembre 2012 à 11:36
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

why is no one answering?

Quote from jboss1995

Because no one has the answer?
jboss1995 Vendredi 9 Novembre 2012 à 18:01

why is no one answering?

Quote from Tinou

Because no one has the answer?

Quote from jboss1995
How do others submit application to be add to PlayOnLinux?
Ronin DUSETTE Mercredi 14 Novembre 2012 à 19:22

I gotta see this. That would be cool if they actually got it working. I have *almost* got it working in the last few weeks in POL with FF and silverlight 4 (and once 5), but it still crashes and glitches. Either way, its way closer than it was a year ago. haha

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hyperfang8 Dimanche 25 Novembre 2012 à 3:34

Acording to changelog netflix should work with 1.5.18 however i have no idea since its not aveliable in my county.
Here is a simple script that install firefox with silverlight that i wrote:
I can't guarantee that this will work since i can't play netflix in my country but silverlight seems like its working just fine...

Few other test/notes:
-got 100 fps in:
-played succesfuly:
-rendering is bit funky when you move page but othewise its fine
-attached script uses silverlight 4, silverlight 5 installs well but fails DRM test

Some documentation:
-prebundeled wine with silverlight:

Edité par hyperfang8

Avoid the Gates of Hell. Use
zecarlo Mardi 16 Avril 2013 à 3:28

Did anyone try that ? Did it work ?
Ronin DUSETTE Mardi 16 Avril 2013 à 3:45

You dont need it anymore. Use this:

It is a custom build of wine, that automatically installs firefox for windows, silverlight, and everything else it needs. Im watching Netflix using this right now. :)

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softappstudio Jeudi 2 Mai 2013 à 5:13

This is absolutely awesome (!), as I write this, I have Netflix running an HD movie about Henry V at 1600x1200 resolution on the 2nd monitor of this Zorin OS6-box.

Despite the caution on the site, the Netflix-desktop does not appear to have corrupted my existing Wine installations, neither the stand-alone nor those available in POL; instead, it has *added* a Wine version called "System" to the POL list, which I do not expect to use overtly.

I am most grateful for the clear and correct instructions, especially the little commands needed to accommodate an /ext3 file system. At the first run, it had to install a Gecko pkg, which went smoothly.

Is there some way I can make a contribution to your "Coffee Fund"? I am not rich, but I like to think I am not cheap either.

Thank you again for doing what Netflix has refused to do (I am an avid watcher, on 3 devices.)

Ronin DUSETTE Jeudi 2 Mai 2013 à 5:33

System wine will always be in the list. Its there by default. But yeah. It keeps it all nice and apart from everything else. I really like it. They worked long and hard to get it to work.

Oh, and I have never had it even touch system wine. It just wants it installed. Thats all. :)

Edité par RoninDusette

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softappstudio Mardi 7 Mai 2013 à 11:35

Help Yosha ?!, I have run into a brick wall trying to install it on another (Kubuntu 13.04) PC: I cannot get the mscorefonts to install, according to netflix-deskktop so it won't run (It does offer to install, but nothing happens). I think they are already installed, but perhaps therey are corrupted?, anyway I cannot --reinstall or remove them because /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is always locked by another process (possibly the failed attempt by netflix-deesktop?). I am no Linux ghuru (!) and I don't know what to do. I have tried some recommended ways to unlock files, no great success there . I think I have installed them easily into a POL "bottle", but that doesn't help the net... app does it?
Can you perhaps suggest a sequence of steps that may get me back on track?
Whatever you come up with, I will surely try out. Thanks.
Ronin DUSETTE Mardi 7 Mai 2013 à 18:03

I believe you can use:

sudo apt-get -f install

to finish up any broken installs.


sudo apt-get install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge ppa:ehoover/compholio

to remove the netflix-desktop ppa and purge its packages.


rm -rf ~/.wine-browser

TYPE THAT COMMAND EXACTLY RIGHT, NO SUDO. This will delete the netflix-desktop data folder in your home folder.

Now, to reinstall netflix-desktop

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ehoover/compholio

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install netflix-desktop

Now, after its done downloading, make sure you anything using the internet OFF. No browsing, no watching youtube, no torrent. This is to make sure that you have all of the bandwidth you can get when running this next command. netflix-desktop has to download a lot of files, and some of them are pretty big. If it fails, you will have to remove the .wine-browser directory in your home folder and try again.

To run netflix-desktop and finish the installation, simply run


from the terminal, and leave the terminal open until after you log in, and start a movie. If you can watch a movie now, then close netflix and the terminal, and you are good to go now.

This is kind of off topic, but I have had some issues with it in the past, and since this IS a "netflix on wine" topic, its ok. :)

Let me know if that worked for you.

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softappstudio Mercredi 8 Mai 2013 à 2:35

Thanks for all the details!

I think it all went as planned, until it started the series of ttf-mscorefonts-installer s.
At the end it said I had not agreed the EULA (never saw it), so please do [[see below]].
I ignored the warning and did netflix-desktop, but this just said "fonts not installed, shall I do it?" so I said [Y] and the console window froze up with the EULA form, which I could not [OK], so I just [X] the console window.
In a new console window I did [[ i.e. the below, as requested]] ....
sudo dpkg-reconfigure ttf-mscorefonts-installer

which immediately just said "user did not accept the mscorefonts-eula license",
so the hold-up seems to be getting the mscorefonts installed.

Sorry not such good news.
softappstudio Mercredi 8 Mai 2013 à 2:39

P.S. I just did .....
sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

and it says "ttf-mscorefonts-installer is already the newest version."

But I don't know how to try to make it run (there is apparently no such command as
ttf-mscorefonts-installer ).
softappstudio Mercredi 8 Mai 2013 à 2:57

softappstudio Mercredi 8 Mai 2013 à 3:06

PPS. My latest "head scratching" is ...

[1] netflix-desktop does not do what it says it will when it offers to install the mscorefonts, nothing happens.
[2] there appears to be a specific incompatability between ttf-mscorefonts-installer and the default X-term window on Kubuntu (called "Konsole").

So I tried to redo... sudo dpkg-reconfigure ttf-mscorefonts-installer
in a regular X-term, and it seemed to run quite smoothly - I just hit at each pause - but the net result was still "user did not accept the ms-corefonts-eula license".

I reckon I ran out of ideas.
Thanks v. much for sticking with me on this !
Ronin DUSETTE Mercredi 8 Mai 2013 à 3:10

So, its exactly what its say; you arent agreeing to the eula

I use Konsole and Terminator. They both work.

What version of Linux are you running?

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softappstudio Mercredi 8 Mai 2013 à 15:53

Hm. I am on Kubuntu 13.04, which has KDE v4.10.2

I was woindering if there might be some other way I could install the fonts successfully, outside the POL/Netflix environment,

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