
Missing Features in MSOffice 2012

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bewim Mardi 23 Octobre 2012 à 1:31


Some time ago I installed MSoffice 2010, it is running awesome so thank
you. I am having a problem with some features. they are missing, it is
not the edition or the file because my sister installed the same one and
has those features but she installed it in windows. one missing item is
the checkmark bullet in the bullet list. another is the color tone
feature is missing. when you insert a photo a new tab appears "picture
tool' in "adjust" click on color, there is supposed to be color tone,
when I try to change it in the properties the color tone feature is
locked. another thing is when U search for a clip art you can't see the preview. I tried another installation disk and had the same issue so it is POL or something. please help me.

I am using Ubuntu 12.10 64bit

Thank You very much.

Edité par bewim

gugabfigueiredo Mardi 23 Octobre 2012 à 3:01

I've come around similar issues.

Have locked options of page format on Excel only. Works fine on Word.

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