
League of Legends - Window disappears when the loading screen should appear

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aiQon Samedi 6 Octobre 2012 à 20:16

Im on Arch Linux 64bit with an Nvidia graphics card and a Quadcore AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 940 Processor (4x 3.2GHz I think). However until like end of september/1-3. October LoL used to work on this mashine. All was fine (had to use nvidia closed source drivers and downgrade gnutls to 2.10.4-1). But suddenly it stopped working as expected. To be precise: I can log in, I can queue in for a game. If a game is found I can join the champ selection. After the champ selection, when the previous window vanishes and the loading screen should appear, latter just does not appear. I waited few minutes and killed the application just to log back in. It said I can reconnect but it stops at exactly the same step: when the loading screen with all the champs should appear. Im not sure what happened, if its my fault or Riotgames changed something (I remember there was an update). Here is an excerpt of the changes to my system in the time it stopeed working:

[2012-09-28 15:10] installed skype (
[2012-09-28 22:05] Running 'pacman -S extra/python2-distribute'
[2012-09-28 22:05] installed python2-distribute (0.6.28-1)
[2012-09-28 22:05] Running 'pacman -U /tmp/yaourt-tmp-stas/PKGDEST.n9c/python-googlechart-0.2.1-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz'
[2012-09-28 22:05] installed python-googlechart (0.2.1-2)
[2012-09-28 22:45] Running 'pacman -S extra/python2-pip'
[2012-09-28 22:45] installed python2-pip (1.2.1-1)
[2012-09-28 22:46] Running 'pacman -U /tmp/yaourt-tmp-stas/PKGDEST.CJT/python-yolk-0.4.1-2-any.pkg.tar.xz'
[2012-09-28 22:46] installed python-yolk (0.4.1-2)
[2012-09-28 22:52] Running 'pacman -U /tmp/yaourt-tmp-stas/PKGDEST.5Gy/python2-gviz_api-1.7.0-1-any.pkg.tar.xz'
[2012-09-28 22:52] installed python2-gviz_api (1.7.0-1)
[2012-10-01 10:22] Running 'pacman -S extra/networkmanager-openvpn extra/networkmanager-vpnc'
[2012-10-01 10:22] installed openvpn (2.2.2-2)
[2012-10-01 10:22] installed networkmanager-openvpn (
[2012-10-01 10:22] installed vpnc (0.5.3.svn516-3)
[2012-10-01 10:22] installed networkmanager-vpnc (
[2012-10-04 09:38] Running 'pacman -S extra/transmission-gtk'
[2012-10-04 09:38] Running 'pacman -Sy'
[2012-10-04 09:38] synchronizing package lists
[2012-10-04 09:38] Running 'pacman -S extra/transmission-gtk'
[2012-10-04 09:38] installed transmission-gtk (2.71-1)
[2012-10-04 12:35] Running 'pacman -U /tmp/yaourt-tmp-stas/PKGDEST.RRp/log4j-1.2.16-2-any.pkg.tar.xz'
[2012-10-04 12:35] installed log4j (1.2.16-2)
[2012-10-04 12:41] Running 'pacman -S extra/junit'
[2012-10-04 12:41] installed junit (4.10-1)
[2012-10-04 13:07] Running 'pacman -S extra/mysql'
[2012-10-04 13:07] installed libmysqlclient (5.5.28-1)
[2012-10-04 13:07] installed mysql-clients (5.5.28-1)
[2012-10-04 13:07] Installing MySQL system tables...
[2012-10-04 13:07] OK
[2012-10-04 13:07] Filling help tables...
[2012-10-04 13:07] OK
[2012-10-04 13:07] 
[2012-10-04 13:07] To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy
[2012-10-04 13:07] support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system
[2012-10-04 13:07] 
[2012-10-04 13:07] To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:
[2012-10-04 13:07] 
[2012-10-04 13:07] /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
[2012-10-04 13:07] /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h einherjer password 'new-password'
[2012-10-04 13:07] 
[2012-10-04 13:07] Alternatively you can run:
[2012-10-04 13:07] /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation
[2012-10-04 13:07] 
[2012-10-04 13:07] which will also give you the option of removing the test
[2012-10-04 13:07] databases and anonymous user created by default.  This is
[2012-10-04 13:07] strongly recommended for production servers.
[2012-10-04 13:07] 
[2012-10-04 13:07] See the manual for more instructions.
[2012-10-04 13:07] 
[2012-10-04 13:07] You can start the MySQL daemon with:
[2012-10-04 13:07] cd /usr ; /usr/bin/mysqld_safe &
[2012-10-04 13:07] 
[2012-10-04 13:07] You can test the MySQL daemon with
[2012-10-04 13:07] cd /usr/mysql-test ; perl
[2012-10-04 13:07] 
[2012-10-04 13:07] Please report any problems with the /usr/scripts/mysqlbug script!
[2012-10-04 13:07] 
[2012-10-04 13:07] installed mysql (5.5.28-1)
[2012-10-04 13:37] Running 'pacman -S phpMyAdmin'
[2012-10-04 13:37] Running 'pacman -S community/phpmyadmin'
[2012-10-04 13:37] installed php (5.4.7-1)
[2012-10-04 13:37] Check for details.
[2012-10-04 13:37] installed phpmyadmin (
[2012-10-04 13:38] Running 'pacman -S extra/apache'
[2012-10-04 13:38] installed apache (2.2.23-1)
[2012-10-04 13:38] Running 'pacman -S extra/php-apache'
[2012-10-04 13:38] installed php-apache (5.4.7-1)
[2012-10-05 23:31] Running 'pacman -S python-matplotlib python-tables core/curl extra/firefox extra/imagemagick community/python-scipy'
[2012-10-05 23:31] Running 'pacman -S python-matplotlib core/curl extra/firefox extra/imagemagick community/python-scipy'
[2012-10-05 23:31] installed python2-dateutil (1.5-2)
[2012-10-05 23:31] installed python2-pytz (2012d-1)
[2012-10-05 23:31] installed blas (3.4.1-1)
[2012-10-05 23:31] installed lapack (3.4.1-1)
[2012-10-05 23:31] installed python2-numpy (1.6.2-1)
[2012-10-05 23:31] installed python2-pyparsing (1.5.6-2)
[2012-10-05 23:31] installed sip (4.13.3-2)
[2012-10-05 23:31] installed python2-sip (4.13.3-2)
[2012-10-05 23:31] installed pyqt-common (4.9.4-2)
[2012-10-05 23:31] installed python2-pyqt (4.9.4-2)
[2012-10-05 23:31] installed python2-matplotlib (1.1.1-1)
[2012-10-05 23:32] upgraded curl (7.27.0-1 -> 7.27.0-1)
[2012-10-05 23:32] installed mime-types (8-1)
[2012-10-05 23:32] installed firefox (15.0.1-1)
[2012-10-05 23:32] upgraded imagemagick ( ->
[2012-10-05 23:32] installed python-numpy (1.6.2-1)
[2012-10-05 23:32] installed python-scipy (0.11.0-1)
[2012-10-05 23:33] Running 'pacman -S community/python2-scipy'
[2012-10-05 23:33] installed python2-scipy (0.11.0-1)
[2012-10-06 00:13] Running 'pacman -S --asdeps --needed extra/ttf-bitstream-vera'
[2012-10-06 00:13] Updating font cache... done.
[2012-10-06 00:13] installed ttf-bitstream-vera (1.10-8)
[2012-10-06 13:45] Running 'pacman -Syu'
[2012-10-06 13:45] synchronizing package lists
[2012-10-06 13:45] starting full system upgrade
[2012-10-06 13:48] removed cpufrequtils (008-2)
[2012-10-06 13:48] warning: /etc/group installed as /etc/group.pacnew
[2012-10-06 13:48] warning: /etc/passwd installed as /etc/passwd.pacnew
[2012-10-06 13:48] warning: /etc/gshadow installed as /etc/gshadow.pacnew
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded filesystem (2012.8-1 -> 2012.10-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded dbus-core (1.6.4-1 -> 1.6.8-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded util-linux (2.22-6 -> 2.22-7)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded systemd (189-4 -> 194-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded accountsservice (0.6.22-1 -> 0.6.25-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded brltty (4.3-5 -> 4.3-6)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded cairo (1.12.2-2 -> 1.12.2-3)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded chromium (22.0.1229.79-1 -> 22.0.1229.79-2)
[2012-10-06 13:48] installed cpupower (3.6-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded dbus (1.6.4-1 -> 1.6.8-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded patch (2.6.1-3 -> 2.7.1-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded dkms ( ->
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded eclipse (4.2-1 -> 4.2.1-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded git ( ->
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libtasn1 (2.13-1 -> 2.14-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded gnutls (3.1.1-1 -> 3.1.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded initscripts (2012.08.3-2 -> 2012.09.2-2)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded jack (0.121.3-6 -> 0.121.3-7)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded kdelibs (4.9.1-1 -> 4.9.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded lib32-gnutls (2.10.4-1 -> 3.1.1-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libquvi-scripts (0.4.8-1 -> 0.4.9-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libreoffice-en-US (3.6.1-4 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libreoffice-uk (3.6.1-1 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libreoffice-common (3.6.1-4 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libreoffice-base (3.6.1-4 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libreoffice-calc (3.6.1-4 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libreoffice-draw (3.6.1-4 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libreoffice-gnome (3.6.1-4 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libreoffice-impress (3.6.1-4 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libreoffice-kde4 (3.6.1-4 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libreoffice-math (3.6.1-4 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libreoffice-postgresql-connector (3.6.1-4 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:48] upgraded libreoffice-sdk (3.6.1-4 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded libreoffice-sdk-doc (3.6.1-4 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded libreoffice-writer (3.6.1-4 -> 3.6.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded libshout (1:2.3.0-1 -> 1:2.3.1-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded libtiff (4.0.2-1 -> 4.0.3-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded mercurial (2.3.1-1 -> 2.3.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded mkinitcpio-busybox (1.20.1-1 -> 1.20.2-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded perl-yaml-syck (1.20-2 -> 1.21-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded sqlite (3.7.14-1 ->
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded qt (4.8.3-3 -> 4.8.3-4)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded run-parts (4.3.2-1 -> 4.3.4-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded sound-theme-freedesktop (0.7-2 -> 0.8-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded wireshark-cli (1.8.2-1 -> 1.8.3-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded wireshark-gtk (1.8.2-1 -> 1.8.3-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded wxpython ( ->
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded xkeyboard-config (2.6-1 -> 2.7-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded xterm (281-1 -> 282-1)
[2012-10-06 13:49] Running 'pacman -U'
[2012-10-06 13:49] upgraded lib32-gnutls (3.1.1-1 -> 2.10.4-1)
[2012-10-06 19:59] Running 'pacman -U /tmp/yaourt-tmp-stas/PKGDEST.6J8/lib32-libtxc_dxtn-1.0.1-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz'
[2012-10-06 19:59] installed lib32-libtxc_dxtn (1.0.1-2)
winternull Mardi 9 Octobre 2012 à 11:03

I'm running into this same issue. I'm getting absolutely no errors of any significance in the terminal when running the game directly.

If you've been able to find anything I'd love to hear it.
raiderrt Lundi 25 Février 2013 à 3:30

I am having the same issue as well. Any more developments? I have read some information saying that if your host name in /etc/hosts was still set to localhost for this could cause the problem. That fix did get me a slight bit further but I'm still running into the same issue.

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