
How to disable automatic refresh POL at every startup

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Jusko Lundi 17 September 2012 à 19:58


How to disable automatic refresh of POL at every start? It's not a problem, but if someone don't have internet connection (ex. fault of internet provider), try to install something without connetction - it's impossible. It's not a good idea to automatic refresh. Look at the screen:


POL cannot be updated without connection, how i supposed to install something if program trying to update, but update is impossible because there is no connetion. I want to disable automatic update. How. Clicking on categories do nothing, installing something manually what is not on list is impossible too, because this option is invisible.

Edité par Jusko

petch Lundi 17 September 2012 à 20:56

Installations heavy depend on a working Internet connection at the moment, not just automatic refresh.
Jusko Mercredi 19 September 2012 à 19:41

Yes, but without connection, update cannot be performed, so update arrows rotate endless and it's impossible to install something manaually from local exe (and that is the problem, this option is invisible because POL waiting to update, and update is impossible because there is no connection). It's very problematic to install something without connection.

PS: PlayOnLinux is great anyway :)

Edité par Jusko

petch Mercredi 19 September 2012 à 20:37

What I'm saying is that if you could, you wouldn't have access to PlayOnLinux "functions" (, including not install any packages, and that would seriously limit what you could get to work. Not make POL useless, but restrain it significantly.
Jusko Mardi 9 Octobre 2012 à 15:24

OK, so it's impossible to using POL on off-line machines - even to install something manually on separate prefixes. Sad, but at least on off-line machines users may install something on global Wine, outside POL. I know - i'm not a developer (but im working in IT software bussines day-by-day) so I can't say nothing and can do nothing, but option to install somenthing manually what is not listed and officialy supported, shoud be possible even on off-line machines - dependence to use software only on machines all time connected to internet is in my opion - bad idea. What if Im somwhere, where i can't connect to internet? Second - I think automatic update on every start should be optional. In Poland and on other countries probably too, mobile broadband is popular methond of mobile internet. Mobile internet have limited transfer per month - automatic update takes transfer every time on starting POL (not much, but always). Maybe it's worth to think about it.

Edité par Jusko

Quentin PÂRIS Mardi 9 Octobre 2012 à 17:09
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous


The unability to install manually is indeed a bug. We will fix it in the next version if possible. However, you can still install programs manually through configure windows, which is really powerful.

For the update thing :
PlayOnLinux does not update its database every time it is started. It checks first if some changes have been made. If it is the case, very few things are downloaded. (Basically just a list of available programs)

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