
HOWTO make new virtual drive without installing anything?

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qmax Dimanche 12 Aoüt 2012 à 15:47

I'd like to create virtual drive, install some libraries, configurt wine,
and then install a program.

The script "install non-listed program" asks installator path and shortcut.
It runs installer before any libraries and configures applied.

I have to select "notepad.exe" both as installator and shortcut.

What is proper commands to make a virtual env without installing anything?
Is there a way to make a shortcut into manually created virtual drive (i.e not listed in POL menu because no shortcuts)? 
petch Dimanche 12 Aoüt 2012 à 15:56

* You can install packages and configure (winecfg stuff) before installing a non-listed program, just check "Configure Wine" and/or "Install some libraries" checkboxen when asked.

* To create a brand new virtual drive manually: Configure button > New button (bottom left)
* To create a shortcut manually: Configure button > (select virtual drive) > General Tab > "Make a new shortcut from this virtual drive" button
emddom Vendredi 27 Mars 2015 à 8:24

Now there is a plugin (Vault) for this purpose on POL.
Please check out this article:

Ronin DUSETTE Vendredi 27 Mars 2015 à 17:35

Dude, this thread is really old. That is not what he was talking about. :\

No more necromancy, please.

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