
Cannot start PlayOnLinux

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Jud Mardi 7 Aoüt 2012 à 17:07


I tried to start PlayOnLinux but it says: "PlayOnLinux cannot find nc. You need to install it to continue".
But I do not know what "nc" is ...
4.1.3 worked (but has this update-bug), only newer versions do not work.

Any advise?
Quentin PÂRIS Mardi 7 Aoüt 2012 à 18:35
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

nc is netcat
Jud Mercredi 8 Aoüt 2012 à 12:10

Thanks, I installed netcat and now it is working fine.
But could you add it as dependency or just write the full name in the error message? That makes life easier ;) if someone else has this (or a similar) error in the future.
Decebal Dimanche 12 Aoüt 2012 à 12:08

Jud, I had the same problem. If you launch the app from a console, you'll see something like 'which: no nc in (/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/bin:/home/l/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/opt/kde3/bin)'
My solution was to copy (as root) netcat to /usr/games and then rename it to nc.
# cd /usr/bin/
/usr/bin # cp -p netcat /usr/games/
/usr/bin # cd /usr/games/
/usr/games # cp netcat nc

Why would the devels choosed to rename netcat to nc is beyond me. Hope it'll work for you too.
petch Dimanche 12 Aoüt 2012 à 15:37

Well, if you look at Makefile in the upstream sources, that's how it's initially called (not to mention package name);

nc: netcat.c
     $(LD) $(DFLAGS) $(XFLAGS) $(STATIC) -o nc netcat.c $(XLIBS)

It probably comes down to the old tradition to give short names to command line utiliies on Unix to decrease typing.

Edité par petch

Decagon Jeudi 29 Novembre 2012 à 5:18

Jud, I had the same problem. If you launch the app from a console, you'll see something like 'which: no nc in (/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/bin:/home/l/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/opt/kde3/bin)'
My solution was to copy (as root) netcat to /usr/games and then rename it to nc.
# cd /usr/bin/
/usr/bin # cp -p netcat /usr/games/
/usr/bin # cd /usr/games/
/usr/games # cp netcat nc

Quote from Decebal

My error said:
which: no nc in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/4.6.3:/opt/android-sdk-update-manager/tools:/opt/android-sdk-update-manager/platform-tools:/usr/games/bin)

So I followed your instructions but changed /usr/games/ to /usr/games/bin/

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