
Evernote Install

Not connecting to server

Auteur Réponses
Marchosius Samedi 28 Juillet 2012 à 11:29

Good day all,

I just installed evernote 4.5 through manual install, and the application runs.

However, when I try to login with my account i get the error "can't connect to server"

Is there something special i need to configure to allow internet access to a manual installation of a product?

This is just a test program at this point, as I just converted from Win to Ubuntu, so some programms I would still like to run and do it without using a vm if possible.

Thanks in advanced.
China_J Vendredi 7 September 2012 à 19:47

A few months late in coming, but I'm running Linux Mint 13 32-bit. Just installed Evernote with Wine 1.5.12 through POL with no problems. Synced up on the first try.

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