
Crossover .cxarchive compatibility

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schotty Lundi 9 Juillet 2012 à 3:59

Greetings all!

Was a bit curious if anyone has made it possible to import .cxarchive files from Crossover into POL?

If not, what would it take? A plugin?  I have no issues with trying to tackle this one.  I also cannot guarantee any successes either (not much of a coder these days).

Thanks alot!
d10sfan Lundi 30 Juillet 2012 à 3:43

I'd also like to know this. I've got a couple crossover archives that, while it wouldn't be too bad to re-make, this sort of plugin would be nice.
Quentin PÂRIS Lundi 30 Juillet 2012 à 18:00
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Crossover provides work for many importants wine developers. Therefore, we really want to support it.

That is why PlayOnLinux shall not be a replacement for it, and we think that it is not a good idea that we support .cxarchive for the moment.

We might rethink about it later
schotty Mercredi 8 Aoüt 2012 à 14:53

Ok, thanks for the response.
Quentin PÂRIS Vendredi 10 Aoüt 2012 à 0:28
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

However, if someone makes a working plugin, we might consider adding it into PlayOnLinux

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