
Conflict With wine1.5.2!

Asking for wine, wine1.2 & wine1.2-gecko

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SixDprime Samedi 21 Avril 2012 à 4:51

Ubuntu Lucid AMD64

I wiped my system clean and did a super-clean install of wine1.5.2, the latest version. I need its bug-fixes badly. Looks beautiful.

But when I go to install PlayOnLinux any which way, it attempts to install wine, wine1.2 and wine1.2-gecko. This is through (1) the Synaptic Package Manager, (2) GDebi Package Installer on playonlinux_4.0.17_all.deb and (3) the CLI with "gdebi playonlinux_4.0.17_all.deb"!

I certainly don't want to override wine1.5.2 with wine1.2!!!

petch Samedi 21 Avril 2012 à 10:17


Packaging systems handle dependencies between packages, if you want to go with packaged PlayOnLinux (and the way you install it makes no difference), you have to satisfy its dependencies:
$ dpkg -I /tmp/PlayOnLinux_4.0.17.deb|grep Depends
Depends: unzip, wine | wine-stable | wine-unstable, wget, xterm, python, python-wxgtk2.8, imagemagick, cabextract, icoutils

So it needs one of the wine or wine-stable or wine-unstable packages.

Now I see three solutions:
- go on without packages as you did with Wine, and install PlayOnLinux using the .tar.gz
- learn about the Debian packaging, create a package out of Wine 1.5.2 and install it that way, satisfying dependencies
- if you don't use Wine directly, you can install many versions of Wine thru PlayOnLinux, including Wine 1.5.2

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