
Diablo 2 Installation

Crash at EULA

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zillin Lundi 2 Avril 2012 à 1:07


I'm having trouble installing Diablo 2 through playonmac.
When running the install, Wine asks me to install Gecko. But clicking install briefly shows an empty progress bar and then it disappears. Then the regular diablo 2 install screen pops up, and clicking install brings up the End User License Agreement.

It then crashes without loading any of the text of the EULA and an error popping up saying something is missing from Wine and to go to the website. I was having trouble with the website so I hoped asking here would help.

Additionally, I tried installing gecko and ie6 from the "Install Packages" menu and both caused Wine to crash.

Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated!
scaprio Mardi 3 Avril 2012 à 17:35

I have the exact same issue. Did you manage to fix it?

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