
Lord of Destruction Flickering Screen?

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CW89 Lundi 19 Mars 2012 à 6:09

Trying to play D2 LoD and I continuously get a flickering screen.

Any help in the resolution would be appreciated.
bloodwarmer Mardi 20 Mars 2012 à 17:37

I have the same problem here. I am using the 4.0.16 version of POM and xQuartz 2.7.1 .
When I launch Diablo 2, the game is flickering. Then I press Cmd + Alt + A two times and I get Diablo 2 in fullscreen with correct graphics and the game runs flawlessly, but the game isn't in fullscreen anymore :(
Quentin PÂRIS Mardi 20 Mars 2012 à 18:32
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Try to use wine 1.2.3
bloodwarmer Mardi 20 Mars 2012 à 20:46

I tried wine 1.2.3 and in the WINE configuration (access by the Wine tab of the game in POM), I disabled all the options of "Window Settings". The game runs now flawlessly.
Thanks a lot Quentin ;)
CW89 Jeudi 22 Mars 2012 à 6:40

Try to use wine 1.2.3

Quote from Tinou

Can you explain what you mean by this?
pt14 Dimanche 29 Avril 2012 à 0:04

thanks for this guys fixed my problem but now that i can see D2LOD. I'm trying to patch it and it says please make sure Diablo2 is closed for the patching. How can i close D2 within x11 to patch d2 or how can I manually patch the game.

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