Wine version: 0.9.37
Distribution: Debian
Distribution version: SID (Unstable)
Graphics card : Nvidia, geforceFX 5700LE (version 256Mo)
Graphics card driver: 1.0-9755
- The installer asks for CD1 when it's done (the game is fully installed), just close the window and close the installer normally.
- Movies are not working.
- Some graphic glitches may appear, a little picture of a 3D tree may appear sometimes on the bottom left of the screen.
- The shadows don't work correctly (perhaps due to my graphics card).
Here's the link I did to the installation script:
Warning: You'll need to be connected to the Internet during the installation, because the script downloads some required files to make the game work.
See you soon for new adventures:
French Test by: Gnu_Raziel Edité par Salvatos
Drum & Bass - Dev - Beer and more... What else ?