
Problems installing Oblivion on PlayOnMac

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Naogireh Mercredi 27 Juillet 2011 à 23:39

I have come to the point where i have to install the game via X11, and I keep getting this message in the X11-window:

No disc inserted.
Please insert the original "Oblivion GOTY" CD/DVD.
Please have a look at for further, more detailed information.

But I have the GOTY disk inserted, as it previously was seen in the PlayOnMac-window. I have tested it several times, and the link doesn't help much at all. Can anyone help me out here?
Quentin PÂRIS Jeudi 28 Juillet 2011 à 12:17
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Securerom is very badly supported by wine

Consequently, you have to apply a nocd patch to play the game

Naogireh Jeudi 28 Juillet 2011 à 13:00

Ok, I see. How exactly do I do that?
Quentin PÂRIS Jeudi 28 Juillet 2011 à 13:02
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

There is a problem : NoCD leguality (for compatiblity issue of course) depends on your country.

PlayOnMac and PlayOnLinux can't help users to apply a no-cd patch, because we can't encourage piracy.

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