
Support for Morrowind

How to install an unsupported game

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Skip Moreland Mercredi 9 Février 2011 à 18:21
Skip MorelandAnonymous

Hi, I am new to this. I just found your site and am trying to install The Elder Scrolls Morrowind. I thought as first that PlayOnMac supported the game, but I must have misread the list, for on the second read thru, it wasn't. I have an IMac with Leopard on it. I tried using Steam to download it and use it. It says it downloaded Morrowind, but when I hit play it flashes and then quits. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Quentin PÂRIS Mercredi 9 Février 2011 à 19:21
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Have you tried to install it by going to the "Testing" category ?
Skip Moreland Samedi 12 Février 2011 à 20:55
Skip MorelandAnonymous

Yes I tried that. It keeps asking for the cd- disc, but since it's on Steam, there's no cd. So it can't find the game. Steam says the game is installed, but won't open it. And PlayOnMac won't install it because it's not on a cd. This is the 3rd application I have tried. They all install Steam, but refuse to open the game itself (which I bought from Steam). Thank you for answering.

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