
RPM packages

more complex than the first version

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Aymeric P. Samedi 2 Février 2008 à 17:13
Aymeric P.

Post update (and build with)
*Section for openSUSE added
*Version 2.0.1 deleted
*An old section has deleted
*Pseudo new-spec file used (I don't use exactly the same which proposed by Anubis fedora and mandriva don't like get source from the web :/ )

For a unknown reason rpmbuild on fedora or mandriva don't get file from the web they look into /usr/src/
Perhaps a config error in ifconfig/iptable on my Ubuntu desktop (but I can visits with the) :crazy:

Former member.
Anubis Mardi 1 Avril 2008 à 9:21

PlayOnLinux 2.0.10 on queue to be upgrade on Packman!!
Aymeric P. Jeudi 24 Avril 2008 à 22:26
Aymeric P.

Hi Anubis,
I want to inform you that POL 2.5 and > do not need lynx so you can remove it from Depends:

I am currently uploading rpm package for Mandriva and Fedora

Former member.
Anubis Vendredi 16 Mai 2008 à 9:42

thanks, but i need lzma..where can i found it??? (source code) opensuse does not provide it... and with out it we have missing dependencie
Anubis Vendredi 16 Mai 2008 à 10:52

can i install plugins without lunch Playonlinux? if so i would like to add them in the rpm...if not, spec file is really easier and you could make simply yours too:

# norootforbuild

Summary: Play your Windows games on Linux
Name: PlayOnLinux
Version: 2.7.2
License: GPL v 3
Group: Amusements/Games/Other
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: python-devel
Requires: python python-gtk >= 2.8
Requires: dbus-1-python
Requires: wget unzip
Requires: xterm ImageMagick
Requires: python-gnome-extras
Requires: wine python-wxGTK
Source1: playonlinux
Patch0: menu.patch

PlayOnLinux is able to install Windows
games on your Linux Distro.

For Plugins, check here:

%setup -q -n playonlinux
%patch0 -p1

mkdir %{buildroot}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/desktop-directories
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/pixmaps

%__tar xvfz %{SOURCE0} -C %{buildroot}%{_datadir}

install -p %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/
%__rm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/playonlinux/LICENCE
%__cp etc/PlayOnLinux.desktop %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/PlayOnLinux.desktop
%__cp %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/playonlinux/etc/playonlinux.png %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/pixmaps/playonlinux.png

%__cp %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/playonlinux/etc/ %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/desktop-directories/

rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"


* Thu May 16 2008 Andrea Florio <>
- update to version 2.7.2
- removed extra packages, now available like manual install plugins
* Thu Apr 30 2008 Andrea Florio <>
- update to version 2.6.1
- added packages Script-Creator and Script-Creator-Devel
both not yet packaged cause of missing dependencie libtiff4
* Sun Apr 20 2008 Andrea Florio <>
- update to version 2.3
* Sat Apr 18 2008 Andrea Florio <>
- update to version 2.2.1
* Tue Apr 01 2008 Andrea Florio <>
- update to version 2.0.10
* Thu Feb 01 2008 Andrea Florio <>
- update to version 2.0.9
* Tue Jan 29 2008 Andrea Florio <>
- update to version 2.0.8
* Tue Jan 29 2008 Andrea Florio <>
- update to version 2.0.7
- removed LNG_WORK.patch and it_IT.patch
- added launcer in %{_bindir}
* Thu Jan 24 2008 Andrea Florio <>
- first spec making
- added patch to fix wrong lanaguage variables
- added fixed italian translation
- added patch to fix .desktop file with suse standards
- created package PlayOnLinux-DosBox-Support in this spec

Edité par Anubis

Aymeric P. Vendredi 16 Mai 2008 à 23:31
Aymeric P.

Plugin was installed in ~/.PlayOnLinux/plugins/ but don't build package in rpm forplugin, you must use the setup in PlayOnLinux Plugin installer ( in the option menu).
I an other release we probably add your plugin repository, but actually just use the download page from pol website.

For LZMA I have found this one for openSUse : it's need by wineversion tools.


Former member.
Anubis Vendredi 16 Mai 2008 à 23:42

don't worry.. yet fixed about LZMA,...anyway, remember that RPM is not able to install into ~.
Aymeric P. Vendredi 16 Mai 2008 à 23:51
Aymeric P.

For Plugin repository it should be on the playonlinux web site, and build by the team (with support for other person to add plugin) and probably other thing ...
For the moment if it's on the todo list, it's at the end

Former member.
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