
Counter strike source and Black Ops

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Chuck Vendredi 15 Avril 2011 à 18:38

I want to install counter strike source with playonlinux. First I installed steam and everything is working fine. But when I want to install counter strike source on the point "Type in your steam name" this error appears: incorrect username , but the username is correct. I read, that a wine version with another language then english is not working, but this sould fixed a few years ago.

The second problem is, that the installation of Call of Duty Black Ops stucks at the point "Playonlinux is installing DirectX runtime". After 20 minutes the installation is still at the same point.

I hope you can help me

Thanks in advance
GNU_Raziel Vendredi 15 Avril 2011 à 21:17

I've checked PoL installer and it's ok...Be sure to use latest PoL version to avoid problems and also you can cancel directX installation after game install because PoL already installed it and it can cause freeze like you experienced.

CSS PoL installer need a serious update (like DoD and co too) but I do not own those games so it's difficult to fix them. If i have some spare money in next months, I will buy them from steam to make proper update.
Chuck Samedi 16 Avril 2011 à 10:06

Thanks for your answer. But I don't know how to cancel the DirectX installation. I pressed the installation button in playonlinux, search for call of duty blackops, choose Steam Store Version (because I bought it in the steam store) but then steam opens and nothing happens. Some seconds later, I am at the point with the DirectX. Sould I install BlackOps over my steam account before I use playonlinux?

I am very happy to hear the good news from you. Hope you will find and fix some bugs in the CSS PoL
thanks :)

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