
Need help for manual installations

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estrotococo Mercredi 23 Mars 2011 à 21:58

Hi, i m trying to learn use POL, i do a manual installation, but i need to install some dll in that specific wineprefix, how i execute winetricks to install the dll that i need in my manual prefix??? i need to install, some fonts, vc3, dx9, etc, can u help me please??? i need to learn how i execute winetricks to install dll in a specific folder, i try from the option of edit my wineprefix, but give me an error, it say error during execution. Please help me

Ps: sorry for my bad english
softappstudio Vendredi 3 Mai 2013 à 3:49

Sorry I cannot help, because I need help with font installations myself. I have programmes which specify certain fonts and I want them to be available in Linux/Wine/POL -- whichever is appropriate -- to achieve the desired condition of the programme finding the font it wants, not having to rely upon some (unfortunate) substitution.

Like the above Member, I am very new to POL, and I'm still figuring out what depends upon what. I don't think you can use Wine Tricks to install the fonts in a POL "bottle". Am I right?

All advice and pointers will be very well received.
Thank you.
Ronin DUSETTE Vendredi 3 Mai 2013 à 3:57

[b]Locking for necromancy[/b]

This thread is super duper old. It was created on 23 March 2011  

Winetricks is not supported in PlayOnLinux. Extra components can be installed via:

PlayOnLinux -> Configure -> select virtual drive -> click Install Components tab -> double-click component that you want to install.

POL already has functions that do the same as winetricks (for the most part), but within the scope of PlayOnLinux support. Winetricks mixed with POL just is not supported.

Edité par RoninDusette

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Ronin DUSETTE Vendredi 3 Mai 2013 à 4:01

I have programmes which specify certain fonts and I want them to be available in Linux/Wine/POL -- whichever is appropriate --


So, if you need specific fonts that are not listed in the Configure windows Install Components tab, then you can make a Feature request for that here:

Click New Ticket at the top right corner. Be sure to be very descriptive of what you would like added, as well as a place to download the fonts, etc.. Make sure that the font that you want is not already in POLs Install Component section.

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