
BlackOps DVD install POL freezes at the end


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kenjennings Vendredi 17 Décembre 2010 à 4:29

I've been having problems getting this to install from DVD (or reinstall, or uninstall) for the past couople days. Today I just had enough and nuked the entire ~/.playonlinux directory and started over.

Using openSuse 11.3 here. Wine in /usr/bin is version 1.2, but the first run of PlayOnLinux 3.8.6 reports it downloaded and installed wine 1.3.8. It appeared to install windows fonts ok, too.

The Black OPs install seems to do everything correctly for installing Steam, then it installed Black ops from DVD and again appears to have finished successfully. Ok, so far.

Then the DirectX install ran, and apparently finished successfully.

Now all I have left is the main POL window, and the PlayOnLinux Wizard dialog for Black Ops that reports, "Click on "Forward" ONLY when the game installation is finished or you will have to redo the installation." HOWEVER, the "Forward" button is ghosted and nothing else appears to be going on. I know if I hit Cancel it will not finish and the Black OPs icon won't show up in the POL main panel as an installed program.

ps -ef | grep wine reports no wine processes are running.

kenjen@m90:~> ps -ef | grep play reports a number of things still hanging around...
kenjen    1277 27830  0 21:06 ?        00:00:08 python /usr/share/playonlinux/python/
kenjen    2597     1  0 21:07 ?        00:00:00 bash /usr/share/playonlinux/bash/install
kenjen    2642  2626 20 21:07 ?        00:11:17 python /usr/share/playonlinux/python/ /home/kenjen/.PlayOnLinux/configurations/setups/Call of Duty : Black Ops/top /home/kenjen/.PlayOnLinux/configurations/setups/Call of Duty : Black Ops/left
kenjen   18534  6928  0 22:03 pts/1    00:00:00 grep play
kenjen   27829  5015  0 21:05 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/bin/playonlinux
kenjen   27830 27829  0 21:05 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/share/playonlinux/playonlinux

So, I cancel the dialog, quit and restart POL. No Black OPS icon, so I try the install again.

This time the Black OPS install from DVD gives the option to just Play, instead of Install. If I choose Play, or Reinstall then steam starts up to log me in, then there's a steam dialog about it "Completing Installation..."; it sits at 1% for a little while, then it pops up a dialog reporting a steam error: "Incomplete installation of Call of Duty: Black Ops (2)"

The help pages at steam report the error happens on fat32 file systems. It also may be related to steam being moved to a new location.

At this point everything I try will end up with that error(2) dialog. Since the icon for Black Ops does not appear in POL, I can't launch it. Running "Play" from the DVD install or Play from Steam results in the same "Completeing Installation..." and then failure.

Edité par kenjennings

kenjennings Vendredi 17 Décembre 2010 à 4:30

sorry about the way the title got pasted.
Salvatos Vendredi 17 Décembre 2010 à 4:37

Title fixed :)

Disclaimer: I'm a noob, not a dev; my advice is only a guess.
Attention : Je suis aussi noob que vous, prenez mes suggestions avec un grain de sel ;)
kenjennings Vendredi 17 Décembre 2010 à 6:05

Incidentally, while installing COD/Black OPS "clean" after having deleted the .PlayOnLinux directory, the COD installer does prompt to play the game directly. In this case, the Steam Completing Installation activityalso occurs and it also fails with error 2. Seems nothing I do will get past that one step.

KingBiscuit614 Dimanche 26 Décembre 2010 à 15:51


I am having this same problem. I am new to Linux so please forgive my ignorance.

I am running Unbuntu 10.04 32 bit.

I just installed POL yesterday and tried to install Black Ops yesterday. That being said, I'm assuming I have the latest version of everything. I am installing from a DVD.

Steam installs properly. Black Ops appears to install properly. Direct X appears to install properly. Then the "forward" button is greyed out.

POL doesn't show anything installed on the main panel.
Steam is running and I can access it.
When I try to run Black Ops it looks like it is trying to download updates, but fails with this message:

Incomplete installation of call of duty: black ops -multiplayer(2)

I can uninstall or reinstall and the same thing happens every time. I don't know if this is a problem with POL, Steam, Black Ops or all 3.

Any suggestions or new info on this topic?

jwiesmann Mardi 15 Février 2011 à 22:53

It is quite easy to solve ... if you know how :)
I just studied the Steam - Website and found an interesting hint at:
All you have to do is:
- delete you Call Of Duty dir in POL (home/yourName/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/CoDBlackOps
- start the normal installation (POL - CoD ..)
- if Steam asks to be installed CHANGE the path from C:\\Programme\\Steam (or whatever) to c:\\steam (but watch out, the installer does not recognize it. There is still written the old path)
- keep installing ..
thats it
hope it helps

Edité par jwiesmann

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