
[script] Updated and fixed Guild Wars script

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Deleted account Vendredi 6 Aoüt 2010 à 15:07
Deleted accountAnonymous


I fixed the Guild Wars script and also did some clean-up. It did not work on my Ubuntu Lucid machine.

Changes I made:
- Update and correct German translation
- Set wine to current version which is 1.2 (should work fine for GW)
- Removed stuff that we don't need anymore
- MOST IMPORTANT/BUGFIX: After copying the .dat-file from CD1 we have to go up on folder because we are still in the CD-folder. This will cause Ubuntu to not be able to umount the CD since it is still busy and therefore it cannot detect CD2 after CD1 is removed.
- Automatically eject CDs using wine command
- Use a different variable for check of CD2 (don't know if this is necessary, I just did it to try if the variable was the problem, but I left it this way so you can distinguish between the variable for CD1 and CD2)

if [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ]then
	exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "Guild Wars" "NCsoft" "" "Tinou, modified by MulX and Henne" "GuildWars" 
if [ "$POL_LANG" == "fr" ] ; then #French messages
	LNG_CD="Disposez vous du CD ?"
	COPY="Copie des fichiers ..."
	DOWNLOAD="Patientez pendant le téléchargement des fichiers minimal pour le jeu"
	EXTRACT="Patientez pendant l'extraction des fichiers minimal de Guild Wars"
	CD2="Inserer le CD2"
	CD1="Inserer le CD1"
	SWITCHCD="Cliquez sur Suivant ou OK quand le jeu demande le CD2"
	ENDCD="Quand l'installation a fini, fermer le jeu, puis cliquez sur OK"
	DVD="Disposez vous du DVD ?"
elif [ "$POL_LANG" == "de" ] ; then #German messages
	LNG_CD="Sind Sie im Besitz der CDs ?"
	COPY="Kopiere Dateien ..."
	DOWNLOAD="Bitte warten Sie, bis die für das Spiel benötigten Dateien heruntergeladen wurden"
	EXTRACT="Bitte warten Sie, bis die soeben heruntergeladenen Dateien entpackt wurden"
	CD2="Bitte legen Sie CD2 ein"
	CD1="Bitte legen Sie CD1 ein"
	SWITCHCD="Klicken Sie auf WEITER, wenn das Spiel nach CD2 fragt"
	ENDCD="Wenn die Installation abgeschlossen ist, beenden Sie das Spiel und klicken Sie auf WEITER"
	DVD="Sind Sie im Besitz der DVD ?"
else #English messages
	LNG_CD="Do you have CD ?"
	COPY="Copying files ..."
	DOWNLOAD="Please wait during downloading minimal file for game"
	EXTRACT="Please wait during unziping minimal file for game"
	CD2="Please, insert CD2"
	CD1="Please, insert CD1"
	SWITCHCD="Press next or OK, when game ask for cd2"
	ENDCD="When setup is finished, close game, and press ok or next"
	DVD="Do you have the DVD ?"
TITRE="Guild Wars"
# Use current wine
POL_SetupWindow_install_wine "1.2"
Set_WineVersion_Session "1.2"
rm $REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/ -R
mkdir -p $REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars
cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars
POL_SetupWindow_download "$DOWNLOAD" "$TITRE" "$SITE/divers/"
select_prefixe "$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/GuildWars/"
#Install minimal files
POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$EXTRACT" "$TITRE" 
mkdir -p $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/GuildWars/drive_c/GW
cp ./Gw.exe $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/GuildWars/drive_c/GW/.
regedit ./Gw.reg
#Ask for DVD
POL_SetupWindow_question "$DVD" "$TITRE"
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "TRUE" ] ; then
        POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "/Data/Gw/Gw.dat"
	#Here is it the spet 13 because we don't support use of CD and DVD (and DVD is easier of use than CD)
        POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$COPY" "$TITRE"
	cp $CDROM/Data/Gw/Gw.dat $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/GuildWars/drive_c/GW/Gw.dat
else	#Ask for CDs
	POL_SetupWindow_question "$LNG_CD" "$TITRE"
	if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "TRUE" ] ; then
		mkdir "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/cd1"
		mkdir "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/cd2"
		# Copy files from CD1
		POL_SetupWindow_message "$CD1" "$TITRE"
		# tests to do POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "/Data/Gw/Gw.dat" but with case insensitivity
		cd $CDROM
		CHECK=$(find . -iwholename ./Data/Gw/Gw.dat)
		if [ "$CHECK" == "" ] ; then
			POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "POL_fail" # makes an error and retries POL_SetupWindow_cdrom
			POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "$CHECK"
		POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$COPY" "$TITRE"
		cp -ra $CDROM/*  $REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/cd1
		cd .. # move one folder up to make umount of CD possible, since we are moving to the CD 9 lines up
		wine eject # eject CD1 to ensure correct removal
		# Copy files from CD2
		POL_SetupWindow_message "$CD2" "$TITRE"
		# tests to do POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "/Data/Gw/Gw2.dat" but with case insensitivity
		cd $CDROM
		CHECK2=$(find . -iwholename ./Data/Gw/Gw2.dat)
		if [ "$CHECK2" == "" ] ; then
			POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "POL_fail" # to make an error and retry POL_SetupWindow_cdrom
			POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "$CHECK2"
		POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$COPY" "$TITRE"
		cp -ar $CDROM/*  $REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/cd2
		cd .. # same as CD1
		wine eject
		chmod +rwx $REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/ -R
		mv $REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/cd1 $REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/current 
		# Start Setup.exe using wine
		wine "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/current/Setup.exe"
		POL_SetupWindow_message "$SWITCHCD" "$TITRE"
		mv $REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/current $REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/cd1
		mv $REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/cd2 $REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/current
		POL_SetupWindow_message "$ENDCD" "$TITRE"
#fix a bug of the next command when answer is no.
touch "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/GuildWars/drive_c/GW/Gw.dat"
#fix a bug when file created is not rw 
chmod +rw "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/GuildWars/drive_c/GW/Gw.dat"
POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "GuildWars" "GW/" "Gw.exe" "GuildWars.xpm" "Guild Wars" "" ""
POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "GuildWars" "GW/" "Gw.exe" "GuildWars.xpm" "Update Guild Wars" "" "-image"
Set_WineVersion_Assign "1.2" "Guild Wars"
Set_WineVersion_Assign "1.2" "Update Guild Wars"
rm $REPERTOIRE/tmp/GuildWars/ -R

There is one thing I haven't been able to fix yet: Guild Wars automatically creates a menu shortcut even if you tell POL not to create one. Is it possible to prevent GW from doing this?

And another question: Can anybody tell me where I can find the translation files for the POL Installation wizard (the one that you start when you run a script)? I would like to update and correct the German translation of it too.

Aymeric P. Mercredi 11 Aoüt 2010 à 9:39
Aymeric P.

Script updated in your database, can you test and report information on your bug ticket?

For German translation - need confirmation - I think that there is the .po/.mo file in the tar.gz. You can review on it and after open a bug ticket. You can also ask Tinou directly but he is very busy...


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