
New(bie) Installation Issues

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reersh9 Lundi 24 Mai 2010 à 15:25

I'm pretty new to Ubuntu but getting the hang of things, or at least I think I am.

One of my buddies told me about the software and I downloaded/updated it. I've tried to install two games (Caesar, Settlers 4) but both ask me for my cdrom location. This is about as far as I've gotten....I realize I'm probably missing something entirely but I spent last night and this morning trying to figure it out. I can't really find any information about this issue on the website or forums, or the wiki though it was merely mentioned once.

Basically, what should I be doing at this point? Not a single of the three options presented work and so I just cancel the installation.
NSLW Mardi 25 Mai 2010 à 9:23

What version of PlayOnLinux do you use and can you state clearly your problem in one sentence?
Settler Samedi 29 Mai 2010 à 22:12

Same problem.

My PlayOnLinux version is 3.7.6.

Game wants CD Rom location before the download.

Edité par Settler

NSLW Dimanche 30 Mai 2010 à 8:42

please type in terminal
cd /media/MYCDROM
then please post the output here.
Settler Dimanche 30 Mai 2010 à 18:50

There isn't any folders (in Media folder).

After inserting DVD or CD folder "cdrom" appears.

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