
The installscript for Pirates Vikings and Knights II does not work

The sourcemod Pirates Vikings and Knights II's installscript defunct

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Rovanion Samedi 6 Mars 2010 à 22:39

The installscript for the sourcemod Pirates Vikings and Knights II does not work, atleast not for me. It exits with the error Fel, which translated to English means "Wrong". Meanwhile the terminal running PlayOnLinux spits out the fallowing Error:

/usr/share/playonlinux/lib/applications: rad 65: LNG_GAME_REQUIRED: kommandot finns inte

Kommandot finns inte translates to: The command does not exist.
Could someone confirm this? This is not something that occurs when I run other installscripts.
I'm running 32-bit Linux Mint 8 with PlayOnLinux installed from the Karmic PPA.
Rovanion Samedi 6 Mars 2010 à 22:42

Oh, look at that. I found the issue.
The script supposedly depends on Steam being installed. The author has to add a handler for this error because the error "Wrong" doesn't at all describe the error. How do I contact the author?
Rovanion Samedi 6 Mars 2010 à 22:44

Well the problems did not stop there: the download part of the script did not work either, the terminal outputting:
IOError: [Errno ftp error] 421 Can't change directory to /var/ftp/ [/]

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