
Ideas for the next major rewrite!

English code, Python scripts..

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Dr Phil Dimanche 28 Février 2010 à 21:50
Dr Phil

Hello everyone! :D

For the next major re-write of the code (4.0?), wouldn't it be great if the code was written in English this time? I have (several times) thought that I should take a look at the code and see if I could actually contribute to the program, only to remember that I am not very fluent in French. :p

Another (great) idea for the next big re-write would be to add support for scripts written in Python. At least I think it is much easier to write scripts in Python than in Shell-code and since a large part of the program (all functions) are written in Python I don't think it would be such a bid deal to add Python-support. ;-)

And by the way, great work with the website! :)

Quentin PÂRIS Dimanche 28 Février 2010 à 21:56
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Yes I wanted to script in python, but it's quite hard to interact with the system and with wine in python (but's it's a good idea)

In fact I would like to code the software in two parts : Front-End, Back-end, so it would be easier to port it to different platform (OS X, for exemple)

I also want to make a very clear and clean code

If you have other ideas, you can write them here
Dr Phil Lundi 1 Mars 2010 à 19:22
Dr Phil

Yeah, I just realized I maybe had a few more ideas. :D

Most important, a version-control-system. It allows more people than you to work with the project at the same time, and it will also help people using the absolutely newest version available. (And if someone screw-up, there are lot of existing versions of the latest commits before the mistake.)

I also think it would be quite good with a bulk-import of unofficial scripts (good for easily testing scripts in development), or maybe even a way to allow a third-party to write their own scripts and have their own repository (on their own server). That would allow the user to use scripts that are useful for them, but are very unfitting in the official repository. (For example: scripts that installed no-CD cracks etc.)

I agree with you when you say that you think the software should be divided into different parts. Except that it would make it easier to port it would also allow the community to easily (well, easier :p) create different GUI's. For example some people prefer qt over gtk etc.

There is an autorun-function built-in in PlayOnLinux today, but I haven't got it to work on any of my games. I could write (even in shellscript :laught:) a function to check if the CD contains the game my script is written for, but I have no idea of how to tell PlayOnLinux this. So, I guess this is a function we should try to improve. Especially as I see a lot of potential in it! :)

It would also be quite good to add some integration with the desktop, for example adding the right-click option "Install with PlayOnLinux" on .msi files. Or maybe "Run with PlayOnLinux" on .exe files. (I have never tried this, but I guess it won't be very difficult)

The documentation should also be improved, for example POL_Call isn't in the scripting reference. I think the scripting tutorial should be improved to, if I get some time I might start writing, who knows! :p

Well, that was what I could think of right now, I'll maybe come up with some new idea or thought, but this is the most important things imo! :)

Sorry if I am unclear in some places, I am not a native English-speaker. =)
NSLW Mercredi 3 Mars 2010 à 16:22

And here is my wishlist:
1) POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom should be case insensitive
2) unofficial/beta scripts
3) Autorun function isn't really helpful for me
4) Treeview style list
Quentin PÂRIS Mercredi 3 Mars 2010 à 18:39
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Yeah, see for the treeview style list.

I have some suggestion : make sub-scripts. For exemple, Warcraft III Patch 1.21b would be a sub-script of Warcraft III, and it would be shown in a tree view list in the install menu (Just a suggestion for the moment)

How would you set Unofficial / Beta scripts ? Can you develop your idea please :)

We should not forget that we need to be very careful with the security about the scripts
Dr Phil Mercredi 3 Mars 2010 à 18:54
Dr Phil

IMO: I think beta-scripts would be as easy as a button in the Settings-menu.
If it is checked it will download all scripts available and not just the one marked as official by admins.
This would require a change from the current upload-system though: Make it okay for any member to upload, and then it is up to an admin too later take a look at the script and possibly make it official. Beta-scripts won't be very secure if it is this way though...

I would really enjoy the possibility of having third-party repositories with scripts, as it possibly could provide the user with more installations and/or a more customized installation.

(BTW: I would recommend git for version control, fast, easy, fast, small and fast!)
Quentin PÂRIS Mercredi 3 Mars 2010 à 19:08
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

We have to be careful. Do not forget that script can execute any code on your computer. If we do not valid the scripts, it could become VERY dangerous for the user.

Maybe we could sign the scripts ?

Ok for the git. It should not be to difficult

And for the unofficial repositories... I continue thinking about it. For the same reasons, it can be dangerous.
NSLW Mercredi 3 Mars 2010 à 19:36

I have some suggestion : make sub-scripts. For exemple, Warcraft III Patch 1.21b would be a sub-script of Warcraft III, and it would be shown in a tree view list in the install menu (Just a suggestion for the moment)

Quote from Tinou

That's a good idea.

How would you set Unofficial / Beta scripts ? Can you develop your idea please :)

Quote from Tinou

I only wanted to summarize this idea:

I also think it would be quite good with a bulk-import of unofficial scripts (good for easily testing scripts in development), or maybe even a way to allow a third-party to write their own scripts and have their own repository (on their own server). That would allow the user to use scripts that are useful for them, but are very unfitting in the official repository.

Quote from Dr Phil

It would not only allow us to offer high credibility of our scripts (only very well tested scripts will go to official repository and scripts which have problems will be pushed back to unofficial repository) but also wide range of them.
Quentin PÂRIS Mercredi 3 Mars 2010 à 19:59
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Yes I agree with that.

Our script have to be more credible. But i'm not convinced that it is a good ideas to let people sending script in a beta repository without validating them
NSLW Jeudi 4 Mars 2010 à 11:21

But i'm not convinced that it is a good ideas to let people sending script in a beta repository without validating them

Quote from Tinou

I think the same, that is: we shouldn't let peoples add scripts without validation. Therefore script which will go to beta/unofficial repository should be also validated. It'll be like testing zone where scripts look good but may not work because nobody tested it or because of other unknown reason.
Dr Phil Lundi 8 Mars 2010 à 0:50
Dr Phil

Yeah, I guess you are right about Script-validation. :)

Another thing to the list: All/Most of the functions that are provided by POL-helper right now.
Quentin PÂRIS Lundi 8 Mars 2010 à 12:38
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

I also wonder if it would be a good idea to rename the project, and make a new logo.

PlayOnLinux would be a special version of that project, which gaming plugins included.
The logo must have only one color. (Like ubuntu's one)
Dr Phil Lundi 8 Mars 2010 à 20:35
Dr Phil

Rename it to RunOnLinux? ;)

I don't know if it would be such a great idea to rename the project. Even if it isn't a very famous program at least some people know about it. Don't you think it could be confusing if we renamed it?

I am not against a renaming, but I want you to really think twice before you do it.
Dr Phil Mercredi 10 Mars 2010 à 20:36
Dr Phil

When you are manually installing an unsupported application I want PlayOnLinux to automatically recognize .msi files and run them with msiexec.
Quentin PÂRIS Dimanche 14 Mars 2010 à 12:41
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

An other idea : Integrating PlayOnLinux website accounts in the software.

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