
360 Pad in Games for Windows / xinput games?

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thebishop Mardi 15 Décembre 2009 à 23:49

Many new games do not use the old DirectInput for gamepads, or if they do you have to tweak the ini manually.

Most current PC games are designed to work ideally with the 360 pad. Linux has good support for the 360 pad with the xpad driver, but I can't get that to actually work in games running under Wine.

Has anyone else solved this? Specifically I'd like to play Borderlands with a pad, but I'm sure this issue will crop up again with another game.
seanj Lundi 21 Mars 2011 à 11:26

Hi, I have not been able to get any game to recognize a 360 controller with Wine. I use a program called QJoyPad sometimes that can make your analog sticks control the mouse movement.
GNU_Raziel Lundi 21 Mars 2011 à 17:46

To enable Xbox360 WIRED pad use with wine, you must :
1- Install xboxdrv linux driver for your release. (see a proper howto on the web)
2- Install MS xinput in the game prefix using PlayOnLinux Functions in installation menu.
3- Launch the driver like this, probably need sudo level :
xboxdrv --wid 0 -s -l 2 --deadzone 12000
Note : deadzone value depend of the game and you, do some experiments.

Remember that, even with all this, many games will not detect the pad because of wine. So far it worked, for me, with PoP games, Dead Space games (bugged with DS2), Assassin's Creed Games (with Xinput2 wine patch) and some others.

I think with vanilla xpad driver and wine patched with Xinput2 support, it will also work.

Edité par GNU_Raziel

rcmn Vendredi 19 Avril 2013 à 21:02

This topic is old but I have been trying to use a consistent method to have a USB Wired Xbox360 controller working with Steam Games.And the only method that worked for me is the following. I'm not talking about Keyboard-Mouse remapping of course.

1)Here how I got it to work.
downloaded xbox360cemu.v.3.0

2)Then copy

at the root of the folder where the executable reside ,in the steam folder ex: /home/rcmn/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/AssassinsCreed/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Assassins Creed

3) install xboxdrv

4) connect the USB Wired Xbox360 controller

5) run in a terminal:
sudo xboxdrv --silent --detach-kernel-driver --trigger-as-button --ui-axismap x2=ABS_Z,y2=ABS_RZ --ui-buttonmap A=BTN_B,B=BTN_X,X=BTN_A,TR=BTN_THUMBL,TL=BTN_MODE,GUIDE=BTN_THUMBR

So far It worked with :
- Assassins Creed (Steam version) (need to be activated in the option menu)
- Dishonored (Steam version)
- deus ex - human revolution (Steam Version)

Did not work:
- Rayman Origins (Steam version). I tried many options but I can't get to work ,even when I push the reset function in the options menu. It does not remap to the gamepad like it should.

If anyone Has any suggestions I'll be happy to hear them.

disk SSD,video Nvidia Quadro 1000M,Proc Intel Core i7-2760QM CPU @ 2.40GHz × 8,Mem 4GB,Linux mint 14 x64,Gamepad for Xbox 360,PLAYSTATION 3 Controller
Ronin DUSETTE Vendredi 19 Avril 2013 à 21:13

Yup yup. That only things that I have found that work even with my wireless controller, were to use a patched Wine, xboxdrv or to use x360cemu with my logitech. It became too much of a pain in the *** for me, so I just started using my LT+ xbox 360 more.

Im going to give this a shot later and see how it works for the games that I have. This could be a useful sticky if it turns out to work well. 

Edité par RoninDusette

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rcmn Samedi 20 Avril 2013 à 1:30

I forgot to mention,sometime at the start of certain games( in the menu), the left Thumstick send continuous command making the menu select go wild. But you just have to move it once to reset it. After that there is no issues.(maybe some random skip in menus)
But I haven't see problems in game.

disk SSD,video Nvidia Quadro 1000M,Proc Intel Core i7-2760QM CPU @ 2.40GHz × 8,Mem 4GB,Linux mint 14 x64,Gamepad for Xbox 360,PLAYSTATION 3 Controller
rcmn Lundi 6 Mai 2013 à 22:03

I wanted to add that it work on
The Witcher2
Tomb Raider (2013)

disk SSD,video Nvidia Quadro 1000M,Proc Intel Core i7-2760QM CPU @ 2.40GHz × 8,Mem 4GB,Linux mint 14 x64,Gamepad for Xbox 360,PLAYSTATION 3 Controller
Ronin DUSETTE Lundi 6 Mai 2013 à 22:16


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Cthulhus Samedi 15 Juin 2013 à 1:27


I can't download the file : xbox360cemu.v.3.0.rar It's possible to send me the file at : xtiny1 [at] ?

Ronin DUSETTE Samedi 15 Juin 2013 à 18:51

Why cant you download it?

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Cthulhus Samedi 15 Juin 2013 à 20:04

no, I don't know why ? I have :

403. That’s an error.

Your client does not have permission to get URL /p/xinput/downloads/detail?name=xbox360cemu.v.3.0.rar&can=2&q= from this server. That’s all we know.
Ronin DUSETTE Samedi 15 Juin 2013 à 20:12

I just downloaded it from here:

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Cthulhus Samedi 15 Juin 2013 à 20:31

Montblanc Jeudi 25 Juillet 2013 à 3:49

rcmn, you're my hero!

I was going crazy, but thanks to xbox360cemu and your command to start xboxdrive I could finally let wine know I'm using a 360 controller.

Fez runs now beautifully with my wireless 360 controller, I didn't even have to remap anything!

Lots and lots of THANKS!
Montblanc Jeudi 25 Juillet 2013 à 3:50

rcmn, you're my hero!

I was going crazy, but thanks to xbox360cemu and your command to start xboxdrive I could finally let wine know I'm using a 360 controller.

Fez runs now beautifully with my wireless 360 controller, I didn't even have to remap anything!

Lots and lots of THANKS!

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