
Server is no longer available

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MagusDave Jeudi 5 Novembre 2009 à 16:41

Ok, I have read the news and I can't find a solution to this anywhere. When I go to install a game, let's say Oblivion, the installation box comes up and I click forward. Then is says which CD blah blah blah. Then comes up with the "creating prefix" and then an error comes up saying: "Following server is no longer available:" and I am forced to cancel.
What do I do to make this work?
Berillions Jeudi 5 Novembre 2009 à 18:47

Yo have a problem when you download Directx9?
Because, when o launch the game, i can download Directx9...

It's strange :s

MagusDave Jeudi 5 Novembre 2009 à 20:29

No, I can't download DX 9
MagusDave Vendredi 6 Novembre 2009 à 0:34

alexct Vendredi 6 Novembre 2009 à 1:27

Same issue, i can get to through a web browser but not through playonlinux's oblivion installation script.
alexct Vendredi 6 Novembre 2009 à 1:42

but i can install a wine version! still no dx9

isnt D3DX9_XX dlls on the same server?
alexct Vendredi 6 Novembre 2009 à 3:14

okay i dowloaded 3.7-3 and it let me continue the installation without dx9.
downgrading to 3.7 should work too and just install dx9 manually/polscript
MagusDave Vendredi 6 Novembre 2009 à 4:13

how would i go about downgrading, PlayOnLinux isn't in my repositories
alexct Vendredi 6 Novembre 2009 à 13:18

delete/replace files? thats what i did.

you can get 3.7-3 from this thread:

they say to 'read the news' but i cant find the 'news' about this update anywhere but the bug forums

Edité par marieuh

Aymeric P. Samedi 7 Novembre 2009 à 17:09
Aymeric P.

What apps are you installing ?
It's probably a bad url in the script if you can access to this page :

Former member.
Christian.w Dimanche 8 Novembre 2009 à 16:40

Oblivion is the only one I know.
alexct Dimanche 8 Novembre 2009 à 17:45

okay i checked out the script and it points to

i can get there in my web browser but not through the script!

oblivion has installed before so i doubt its the script, or it changed?
alexct Mardi 10 Novembre 2009 à 1:21

this is still an problem, can i get some help?

ubuntu jaunty 9.04 gnome
PlayOnLinux 3.7-3 and 3.7-1

"The following server is no longer available:"

Thanks for your time.
Aymeric P. Mardi 10 Novembre 2009 à 22:14
Aymeric P.

Do you know if you have network through a proxy in your web browser ?

Former member.
alexct Vendredi 13 Novembre 2009 à 2:24

no proxy, but maybe connection timed out?

i haven't tried the oblivion script through PoL but i got oblivion working by manually running the script

good software by the way! makes it really simple to install for a beginner like me
gersomwolf Dimanche 15 Novembre 2009 à 22:37

This problem seems to still not be fixed? Which... well, really sucks. Is there anything that can be done? Something that's not too technically challenging? ;)
A new script or?
I hope to hear from someone soon.

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