
Office 2007 Not installed for current user

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ryan88 Lundi 19 Octobre 2009 à 22:11


I have just installed office 2007 using playonlinux 3.7 on a ubuntu 9.04 x64 machine. Whenever I try to run any of the applications I get the following error:

".... has not been installed for the current user. please run setup to install the application"

Playonlinux says that it is using wine 1.1.31

I would be very grateful if anyone could help me with this issue.


NSLW Lundi 19 Octobre 2009 à 22:26

Please reinstall Office 2007. It was temporary problem with the installation script.

Edité par NSLW

ryan88 Lundi 19 Octobre 2009 à 22:57

Hi NSLW, thanks for your reply. Unfortunately that did not work. I have reinstalled office 2007 and it still says that same thing every time i try to open an application.


NSLW Lundi 19 Octobre 2009 à 23:15

I'm not sure if you properly reinstalled Office 2007 and if you've got refreshed repository with installing scripts.
For the first:
1) delete manually all Microsoft Office * 2007 in ~/.PlayOnLinux/configurations/installed
2) delete manually Office2007 in ~/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix
For the second:
Press refresh button in window where you choose application to install.
ryan88 Mardi 20 Octobre 2009 à 10:12

Right, I tried it again and to uninstall I did the following:
rm -rf .wine .PlayOnLinux

So this means I was starting from scratch. Then when I started playonlinux, i went to the file menu and then clicked on "Refresh the Repository". I then installed office again and the same thing happened again.

One thing I have neglected to mention so far (probably rather stupidly) is that right after the install, when I try to run any of the applications, absolutely nothing happens, but when I go into the running prcesses excel.exe is there, but sleeping. So i have to end that process and then restart my laptop before I can get anything to run properly. Once I have restarted and try to launch an application it tries to run internet explorer but comes up with a page cannot not be displayed, but then after i exit that excel or word loads fine until it gets to the part where it says that it isnt registered to the current user.

I will also mention that I am installing the blue edition of office 2007 (i.e. no key and no activation required)

Any ideas?


NSLW Mardi 20 Octobre 2009 à 11:34

it says that it isnt registered to the current user.

Quote from ryan88

I misunderstood you already in the first post. As I understand now you get error from Office 2007 while running Office 2007.
Installation script for Office 2007 was made on Enterprise version and it purpose is to install required components and allow Office 2007 to run. I think you've got some registration problem I can't help you with.
outdoorsman14 Mardi 10 Novembre 2009 à 7:28

I am having the same issue, is there a way to report a bug, because it appears that something with the registries is not being installed properly. If anyone knows how to fix I would appreciate knowing it as well.
outdoorsman14 Mardi 10 Novembre 2009 à 7:37

I would also like to add that I am running the 32 bit version, so the version doesn't appear to matter.
moshebagelfresser Mercredi 25 Novembre 2009 à 14:12

I got Office 2007 installed. I followed the advice on to the letter!

Also I did the following:
After downloading and the above I revealed the Hidden files in the Home folder, which is what you should do! Then go to .playonlinux and /usr/share/wine in the wine folder paste a copy of each version for the wine versions that Play on Linux has. Mine showed 3 versions so each usr/share/wine got it's relevant Gecko folder copy with the correct Gecko downloaded cab in it.

Next I copied MSMXL3 and did the same! Office 2007 needs that file!

I downloaded Crossover Games Trial copied and pasted into Wine and Play on Linux the file .

After you have a copy of CrossOver Games on hand install it, and then go to ~/cxgames/lib/wine and copy the to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 you will need to re-name the pointer rpcrt4.dll that is currently in ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 to *.bak and then re-name the to rpcrt4.dll

While your already in /system32 re-name msxml3.dll also to *.bak the next thing to do is run winecfg again and set msxml3.dll and rpcrt4.dll to "native windows" select save and exit.

This page has a good explanation read it carefully!
othello007 Mardi 3 Janvier 2012 à 11:40

I had the same issue with my installation of Office 2007. I resolved the issue with the following steps.

-Open playonlinux.
-Select the configure button.
-Select Office 2007 in the left pane.
-Select the Miscellaneous tab.
-Select Open Virtual Drive's Directory.
-From with the Virtual Driv'es Directory browse to: Drive_C/users/Public/Application Data/Microsoft/Office/Data
-Delete two files: opa12.bat and OPA12.BAK
-Relaunch the shortcuts to the different Office 2007 applications. Office 2007 then runs the reconfiguration utility.

This should fix the issue.

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