
[script] F.E.A.R 2 Project Origin

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NSLW Mardi 7 Juillet 2009 à 19:20

I wrote script which installs F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin or adapts version installed through Steam. It also can patch the game after it's been installed.
Wine version : 1.1.25
Distribution : Fedora
Distribution Version : 11 (32 bit)
Graphics card : Nvidia, GeForce 9xxx
Drivers of the graphics card : 185.18.14
Comments :
I don't know what are disc labels If you've got originals then please contact me.

Icon for the game:

# Date : (2009-07-06 12-00)
# Last revision : (2009-10-26 21-10)
# Wine version used : 1.1.25
# Distribution used to test : Fedora 11
# Author : NSLW
# Licence : Retail
# Depend : ImageMagick, icoutils
[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
#fetching PROGRAMFILES environmental variable
PROGRAMFILES=`wine cmd /c echo "%ProgramFiles%"`
TYTUL="F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin"
cd "$REPERTOIRE/tmp"
POL_SetupWindow_download "Downloading Wine versions list" "$TYTUL" ""
xyz=`cat "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/LIST" | sed -e 's/\\.//g' | cut -d';' -f2 | sort -n | tail -n1`
echo "$(echo $xyz | cut -c1-1).$(echo $xyz | cut -c2-2).$(echo $xyz | cut -c3-4)"
EXEPATH=`cat "$LAUNCHERFILENAME" | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 | cut -d'"' -f2`
EXENAME=`cat "$LAUNCHERFILENAME" | tail -n 1 | cut -d'"' -f2`
wrestool "$EXEPATH/$EXENAME" -x -t14 > "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/icon.ico"
ICOBITDEPTH=`icotool -l "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/icon.ico" | grep '\\-\\-width=32' | cut -d' ' -f5 | cut -d'=' -f2 | sort -n |tail -n 1`
ICOINDEX=`icotool -l "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/icon.ico" | grep "\\-\\-width=32" | grep "\\-\\-bit-depth=$ICOBITDEPTH" | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'=' -f2`
icotool -x --index=$ICOINDEX "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/icon.ico" -o "$REPERTOIRE/icones/32/$1"

wget --output-document="$REPERTOIRE/tmp/leftnotscaled.jpeg"
convert "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/leftnotscaled.jpeg" -scale 150x356\\! "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/left.jpeg"
POL_SetupWindow_Init "" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/left.jpeg"

POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TYTUL" "Monolith" "" "NSLW" "$PREFIX" 

if [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/installed/Steam" ]; then
	POL_SetupWindow_message "Please install Steam before $TYTUL"

#asking about Steam
POL_SetupWindow_menu "What do you want to do?" "Actions" "Install game from DVD~Adapt Steam version" "~"
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Adapt Steam version" ]; then
	if [ ! -d "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/Steam/steamapps/common/fear2" ];then
		POL_SetupWindow_message "Please install $TYTUL in Steam first"

select_prefix "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/$PREFIX"
POL_SetupWindow_install_wine "$LATESTVERSION"

#downloading Visual C++ 2005 SP1
if [ ! -e "$HOME/.winetrickscache/vcredist_x86.exe" ]
mkdir "$HOME/.winetrickscache"
cd "$HOME/.winetrickscache"
POL_SetupWindow_download "PlayOnLinux is downloading Visual C++ 2005 SP1 runtime libraries" "Visual C++ 2005 SP1" ""
cd "$REPERTOIRE/ressources"
# checking if wmfadist.exe (3.9MB) is in ressources
if [ "`sha1sum < wmfadist.exe | sed 's/ .*//'`" != "333750aa2d2121ad3e332ada651add83170b7bf8" ]; then
POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "PlayOnLinux is downloading Windows Media Format 9..." "$TYTUL"
#downloading winetricks
if [ "`sha1sum < winetricks | sed 's/ .*//'`" != "e71457524b2f9a0c81369745ea9018d9278565b2" ]; then
wget --output-document=winetricks
WINETRICKSDX=`cat winetricks | grep \\/directx | cut -d'_' -f2`
WINETRICKSDXLINK=`cat winetricks | grep \\/directx | cut -d'/' -f5,6,7,8`
#modyfing winetricks
cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp"
cat "$REPERTOIRE/ressources/winetricks" | sed -e 's/set_winver\\ win2k/set_winver\\ winxp/' > winetricks
#downloading DirectX
if [ ! -e "$HOME/.winetrickscache/directx_${WINETRICKSDX}_redist.exe" ]; then
mkdir "$HOME/.winetrickscache"
cd "$HOME/.winetrickscache"
POL_SetupWindow_download "Downloading DirectX 9.0c libraries" "$TITLE" "$WINETRICKSDXLINK/directx_${WINETRICKSDX}_redist.exe"
if [ "$STEAM" == "0" ]; then
select_prefix "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/Steam"
POL_SetupWindow_message "Please insert first F.E.A.R. 2 DVD" "$TYTUL"
POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "Setup.exe"

#adding CD-ROM as drive d: e: to winecfg
CDROM2=${CDROM//"1"/"2"} #FEAR2 DISC 2
cd "$WINEPREFIX/dosdevices"
ln -s "$CDROM" d:
ln -s "$CDROM2" e:
cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/"
echo "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\Software\\\\Wine\\\\Drives]" > cdrom.reg
echo "\\"d:\\"=\\"cdrom\\"" >> cdrom.reg
echo "\\"e:\\"=\\"cdrom\\"" >> cdrom.reg
regedit cdrom.reg
sleep 5
#starting installation
#POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Installation in progress..." "$TYTUL"
cd "$CDROM"
wine "Setup.exe"
POL_SetupWindow_message "Please insert second DVD when installer asks and press Forward" "$TYTUL"
wine eject d:
POL_SetupWindow_message "Click \\"Next\\" when installation will finish." "$TYTUL"
select_prefix "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/$PREFIX"

cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/"
#asking about memory size
POL_SetupWindow_menu_list "How much memory do your graphic card have got?" "$TYTUL" "32-64-128-256-384-512-768-890-1024-2048" "-" "256"
echo "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Software\\\\Wine\\\\Direct3D]" > vms.reg
echo "\\"VideoMemorySize\\"=\\"$VMS\\"" >> vms.reg
regedit vms.reg
#setting Multisampling to enabled
echo "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Software\\\\Wine\\\\Direct3D]" > msa.reg
echo "\\"Multisampling\\"=\\"enabled\\"" >> msa.reg
regedit msa.reg
cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp"
#installing DirectX
POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Installing DirectX libraries..." "$TYTUL"
bash winetricks -q directx9
#installing Visual C++ 2005 SP1
POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Installing Visual C++ 2005 SP1 runtime libraries..." "$TYTUL"
bash winetricks -q vcrun2005sp1
cd "$REPERTOIRE/ressources"
POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Installing  Windows Media Format 9..." "$TYTUL"
wine wmfadist.exe /Q
#get the mouse working
Set_Managed "Off"
#cleaning temp
cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/"
rm -rf *
#making shortcut
POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "$PREFIX" "$PROGRAMFILES/Steam/steamapps/common/fear2" "FEAR2.exe" "" "$TYTUL" "" ""
Set_WineVersion_Assign "$CHOSENWINEVERSION" "$TYTUL"

cd "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/installed"
mv -f "$TYTUL" "FEAR2"
cat "FEAR2" | sed -e "s/$PREFIX\\/drive\\_c/Steam\\/drive\\_c/" > "$TYTUL"
rm -f "FEAR2"
POL_SetupWindow_make_icon_for_shortcut "$TYTUL"
POL_SetupWindow_message "$TYTUL has been installed successfully" "$TYTUL"
POL_SetupWindow_message_image "Please note that this game has a copy protection system\\nand sadly, it prevents Wine from running the game.\\n\\nPlayOnLinux will not provide any help concerning any illegal\\nstuff." "Note about copy protection" "$PLAYONLINUX/themes/tango/warning.png"

Edité par NSLW

talsemgeest Samedi 25 Juillet 2009 à 11:02

Hi, thanks for the script but I keep getting the error "Unable to find the version : 1.1.25"

Is there any way to fix or get past this?

I have tried on a fresh install of both Ubuntu9.04 32 and 64 bit, and on fedora 11 64 bit. I am guessing it has to do with the wine version, and I have tried installing different wine versions to no avail.

Edité par talsemgeest

NSLW Samedi 25 Juillet 2009 à 21:48

Please try now
talsemgeest Dimanche 26 Juillet 2009 à 0:49

Works beautifully, thanks. I am very grateful to you for this script.
NSLW Lundi 27 Juillet 2009 à 20:34

Nice :)
Could you answer for following questions?
1) Do actors voices work?
2) Do you've got 2 DVD version?
Thanks in advance for your informations :)
Berillions Samedi 24 Octobre 2009 à 18:38

Hello NSLW,

- In your script, you install completly F.E.A.R 2 (Steam and game) if Steam is not installed.
- If F.E.A.R 2 is already install in Steam, you adapt the Steam Version.

But, how you install the game if Steam is installed and not the game? :)
Because, i have installed Steam with the Tinou's script for Counter-Strike 1.6.

I did a manual installation and I choose the Steam Prefix (Steam script) and i can install the game in this Prefix thanks to the Setup.exe in the CDROM.

You can add this option in your script no?


NSLW Dimanche 25 Octobre 2009 à 9:05

But, how you install the game if Steam is installed and not the game? :)

Quote from Berillions

You start your Steam installed earlier and install F.E.A.R2 in this Steam then you start my script which creates shortcuts for F.E.A.R 2 and prepares prefix which doesn't contain FEAR but it's its environment.

I did a manual installation and I choose the Steam Prefix (Steam script) and i can install the game in this Prefix thanks to the Setup.exe in the CDROM.

Quote from Berillions

Does then F.E.A.R 2 shows in your Steam window?
Berillions Dimanche 25 Octobre 2009 à 10:00

You start your Steam installed earlier and install F.E.A.R2 in this Steam

Quote from NSLW

If i install F.E.A.R2 after to start Steam, Steam download the game entierly, it's very long if you are a low connection.

For me it's doesn't work. Steam doesn't download the game at the end of the preparation of files.

So with my method, it's quicker because I install the game thanks to the DVD. The game has a size of 12Go. But, before the installation, you must copy the 2DVD in a TEMP folder because i can't eject the first DVD when the installation ask me to insert the Second DVD. I have an error message told me that the first dvd is used.

Does then F.E.A.R 2 shows in your Steam window?

Quote from NSLW

I test and i edit my message.

Edité par Berillions

NSLW Lundi 26 Octobre 2009 à 8:34

i can't eject the first DVD when the installation ask me to insert the Second DVD. I have an error message told me that the first dvd is used.

Quote from Berillions

Do that appears when installing via my modified POL script?

I did a manual installation and I choose the Steam Prefix (Steam script) and i can install the game in this Prefix thanks to the Setup.exe in the CDROM.

Quote from Berillions

Does DVD installation requires Steam or can it be installed without Steam and why do you installed it in Steam wineprefix and not in separate wineprefix?

BTW. If you've got legal copy of game then could you give here labels of your two DVDs?
Thanks in advance.
Berillions Lundi 26 Octobre 2009 à 11:21

Do that appears when installing via my modified POL script?

Quote from NSLW

No, i have this message when i did a manual installation. i'm going to try by editing your script.

BTW. If you've got legal copy of game then could you give here labels of your two DVDs?

Quote from NSLW

Yes, i have a legal copy of game. How to get the labels for my two DVDs?

NSLW Lundi 26 Octobre 2009 à 11:34

Yes, i have a legal copy of game. How to get the labels for my two DVDs?

Quote from Berillions

On Fedora it's the name under the DVD is mounted in /media directory. On others distro you may want to start K3B or Brasero and choose copy disc, then you'll have exact disc label.
Berillions Lundi 26 Octobre 2009 à 11:51

Ok, in frugalware -current when i insert the DVD, it's mounted in /media directory.

/media/disk_1 for the first DVD
/media/disk_2 for the second DVD

I try to install the game in other prefix thanks to your script. When i launch Steam to prepare the installation files, wine wants to download and install gecko.
But after her installation, wine is stopped and the installation of Fear 2 not begin.... :^^:

Edité par Berillions

NSLW Lundi 26 Octobre 2009 à 12:45

I try to install the game in other prefix thanks to your script. When i launch Steam to prepare the installation files, wine wants to download and install gecko.
But after her installation, wine is stopped and the installation of Fear 2 not begin.... :^^:

Quote from Berillions

My script does start Setup.exe and not Steam. Does starting Setup.exe causes Steam to start?
Berillions Lundi 26 Octobre 2009 à 13:03

When you launch Setup.exe in the First DVD you must:
- To install Steam
- To connect on Steam with your login/password
- and only after, the F.E.A.R 2's installation begin.

NSLW Lundi 26 Octobre 2009 à 17:46

When you launch Setup.exe in the First DVD you must:
- To install Steam
- To connect on Steam with your login/password
- and only after, the F.E.A.R 2's installation begin.

Quote from Berillions

That clarified me a lot of things and I modified my script according to your info, but I lack only one: F.E.A.R 2 downloaded from Steam is in
Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/fear2
Does F.E.A.R 2 from DVD installs itself also in that path? If not then please give me the correct path. Thanks in advance.

BTW. Does Steam work good with latest Wine? I ask because I seen post saying it works and POL assigns very old version to it.

Edité par NSLW

Berillions Lundi 26 Octobre 2009 à 18:26

1- If you install F.E.A.R.2 with the DVD, the game is also installed in Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/fear2.

2- Steam work good with the latest version of Wine (1.1.31, i don't know the 1.1.32), for me.

NSLW Lundi 26 Octobre 2009 à 18:34

So i think my script is finished. Now it waits till somebody test it. Thanks Berillions for your help :)
Berillions Lundi 26 Octobre 2009 à 18:38

i will try your script with the install from DVD :)

Edit : It's very strange but the Steam's update is very very long...

Edité par Berillions

NSLW Lundi 26 Octobre 2009 à 18:57

What does it update?
Berillions Lundi 26 Octobre 2009 à 19:02

This update after to launch F.E.A.R.2 Setup :

Blocked at 12% for 10 minutes...

Edité par Berillions

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