
Suggest native alternatives

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rcarvalho Samedi 4 Juillet 2009 à 17:50

Hello, all!

I've just met PlayOnLinux and I'm very impressed with its quality. My wife loves The Sims and I love Linux. But I know there are lots of open source or Linux compatible alternatives to some applications in POL list. So I think it would be very useful to newbies information about this alternatives as a form to support Linux compatible softwares as so, in a close future, we don't need to rely on wine anymore.

I see 2 ways of implementing this:
1 (simplest) - With the information already provided by POL
2 (best) - Creating wiki pages for each application and make POL read it. This would make the collaboration to the "alternatives list" very easy.

Best regards and I try to help with whether I can!

NSLW Samedi 4 Juillet 2009 à 18:03

Hello rcarvalho,
IMHO main purpose of PlayOnLinux is to facilitate installation of such programs. People who install PlayOnLinux wants to run MS Windows application, so they really want to install such application, or they do not know about alternatives.
Your idea is deviating a little from main POL's idea (i think :) ) but if you'll be able to convince and find someone who will search and maintaining list of such alternatives then there is no problem for me in attaching such small notes.

rcarvalho Mercredi 9 September 2009 à 2:39

Actually this already exists for some apps into Wine's AppDB. See some examples:
Shea7993 Dimanche 13 September 2009 à 13:55

I have to say, im new to linux, and ive tried looking up AppDB from wine to see what games i can run, and how... but problm for a newbie like me, im not good at it honestly, and i have issues with wine too, not to mention theres always a new version... that is why playonlinux rocks, you guys make it work, and i just install and play, very simple, infact i like it so much im willing to even pay a donation form time to time for the effort of making the games work for me on linux without having to spend hours trying to make it work on wine... others like crossover and cedega require payment upfront, and im not even sure if its up to scratch, but atleast with you guys, sticking to the freedom of linux i know what im getting without having to waste my money

Just 1 thing though, priority of games should be the most popular to least popular, dont waste your time with shit games, and also ive recently tried wolfenstein and description says doesnt work with origanal .exe... so it doesnt work, is there another way to make it work? ive tried a no cd crack, why would you list a game that doesnt work -sigh-

still, i appreciate what you guys are doing, realy, its awsum, keep up the good work, and also add a donation link, i would humbly pay you small amounts for every game i get to run on my linux =]
NSLW Dimanche 13 September 2009 à 16:48

Just 1 thing though, priority of games should be the most popular to least popular, dont waste your time with shit games

Quote from Shea7993

I try to do so.

ive recently tried wolfenstein and description says doesnt work with origanal .exe... so it doesnt work, is there another way to make it work? ive tried a no cd crack, why would you list a game that doesnt work -sigh-

Quote from Shea7993

They do work but you have to use illegal executable files for them. No POL script will handle illegal files so user has to do it on his own.

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