
Sims 3 Crashes when loading the Town

Ubuntu Jaunty x64

Auteur Réponses
floyd Mercredi 10 Juin 2009 à 5:15

I've tryed everything on my knowledge to get it to work but always crashes when loading the town, the only error I get is "\\mono\\mono\\metadata\\icall.c:5454, condition `err' not met"

Please let me know if there is a way to get it work

I think it may be my OS i mean because is 64-bits but i don't really know if that make a diference
NSLW Mercredi 10 Juin 2009 à 6:20

"\\mono\\mono\\metadata\\icall.c:5454, condition `err' not met"

Quote from floyd

I think this is an bug in Wine or wrong version of The Sims 3. I do not get such error. Do you acquired The Sims 3 from the store?

I think it may be my OS i mean because is 64-bits but i don't really know if that make a diference

Quote from floyd

There is at least one 64 bit user who run The Sims 3.
floyd Mercredi 10 Juin 2009 à 14:16

thaks as you say it could be the version of the game, wine version is 1.1.23-thesims3 I think the sims i have is a beta version, it could be that.

Thanks for the quick support i really apreciate it
MetroidJunkie2009 Mardi 16 Juin 2009 à 19:41

"\\mono\\mono\\metadata\\icall.c:5454, condition `err' not met"

Quote from NSLW

I think this is an bug in Wine or wrong version of The Sims 3. I do not get such error. Do you acquired The Sims 3 from the store?

I think it may be my OS i mean because is 64-bits but i don't really know if that make a diference

Quote from floyd

There is at least one 64 bit user who run The Sims 3.

Quote from floyd

That's impossible, I have the purchased version and wine version 1.1.23-thesims3, purchased last week, I'm getting the same exact error.
NSLW Mardi 16 Juin 2009 à 19:46

Where do you all get this errors? Is this in terminal or an application error?

Edité par NSLW

MetroidJunkie2009 Mardi 16 Juin 2009 à 20:16

Where do you all get this errors? Is this in terminal or an application error?

Quote from NSLW

Terminal. The program itself merely closes.

Addition: If it helps, I keep getting this error when trying to configure Winetricks/Playonlinux

"fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for bias 300, std (d/m/y): 25/10/2009, dlt (d/m/y): 8/03/2009"

Edité par MetroidJunkie2009

NSLW Mardi 16 Juin 2009 à 20:31

Why don't you try to install one of the Mono packages with help of winetricks which is integrated in unofficial plugin POL Helper which is here.
I've tried two different versions of The Sims 3 and none of them were causing problem. Does your version is three language version?

Edité par NSLW

MetroidJunkie2009 Mardi 16 Juin 2009 à 21:31

Why don't you try to install one of the Mono packages with help of winetricks which is integrated in unofficial plugin POL Helper which is here.
I've tried two different versions of The Sims 3 and none of them were causing problem. Does your version is three language version?

Quote from NSLW

I just installed mono straight to Playonlinux, no luck. I'm still crashing before starting the town, with same terminal error. :sad:
Israphel Vendredi 10 Juillet 2009 à 10:45

I have the same problem! is there a solution already?
NSLW Vendredi 10 Juillet 2009 à 11:33

AFAIK this is this bug. I would try to patch the game and see if something changed.
missouri2006 Mercredi 29 Décembre 2010 à 17:04

I have the same issue here and the posted bug report attachment fixtz.exe doesn't change anything, the game still crashes while loading a town. Did the patch do the trick for any of you?

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