
Way to install WoW without game cds?

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Digimas Lundi 12 Janvier 2009 à 17:30

I followed the manual ( but I'm stuck at one part of it. The step after the wine configuration it asks: what kind of installation? and gives me three options: 1. install with four cds 2. install with five cds and 3. install with one dvd . I don't have any cds for installation, i downloaded world of warcraft from their website. Is there any way to proceed from here without the game cds?
loggod Mardi 13 Janvier 2009 à 4:35

But those Hacks leads me to 2 questions too:
1.) Are the plans to integrate a manual Installationprocess(copy) for installed games, via a playonlinux menu(driven dialog)?
2.) Is there a way to set a icon(*png, *xpm ...or whatever ur using) /edit the hole entry in the 'playonlinux installed app browser'?

>I had to copy a WOW Icon Image under the 32 Icon dir and had to rename it to 'playonlinux.png', after deleting the origin playonlinux 'eyes' to supress the errormessage about a not exisiting icon, to have a wow icon at all in the 'playonlinux installed app browser'.
loggod Mardi 13 Janvier 2009 à 4:41

sorry first half of the post is cut off :\

i've copied over an exisitng wow installation from windows, after running the the normal wow install(like you did) and hardkilled playonlinux(xkill) when it came the to the install method screen. This created a World of Warcraft prefix dir under /home/(username)/,playonlinux ...

If u want to run the Installer i would do this with wine via the commandline...and copy over the wow dir after the Install is finished like I did.

Ghostofkendo Dimanche 18 Janvier 2009 à 0:37

Hello Ioggod,

1.) Are the plans to integrate a manual Installationprocess(copy) for installed games, via a playonlinux menu(driven dialog)?

Quote from loggod
There is yet one: the Wine Import plugin.
But it is limited to games installed in Wine. It can't import games from a Windows partition because it's too much complex, there is too many uncertain parameters.

2.) Is there a way to set a icon(*png, *xpm ...or whatever ur using) /edit the hole entry in the 'playonlinux installed app browser'?

Quote from loggod
If what you mean is setting locally an icon for an entry in the POL installers list, you just have to put the icon you want in ~/.PlayOnLinux/configurations/icones/. it must be 22x22 pixels and have exactly the same name as the corresponding installer. (no matter the format, PNG, XPM, JPG, GIF, etc).
But you'd rather upload your icon somewhere and send (via mail) a link to Tinou, indicating it is an icon for a POL script, thus he will make it available for every user of PlayOnLinux.

ronda Mardi 18 Février 2020 à 6:37

There's a handy button, circled below, that does exactly what you're hoping for: download the entire game, no CDs required! You should be able to download any copies of World of Warcraft that you have purchased in-store or online from Battle.Net.

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