
It\'s just not fair...

About languages in games.

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nexter Jeudi 18 Décembre 2008 à 4:18

I keep looking at all the screenshots for every game there is a script for, and I see menus in various languages (mostly french). This is not fair to the rest of the world really... my country for instance (Sweden), we have almost no international games that can be played in Swedish... It's just not fair!
Well, except EA Games, some of them have swedish. But not all...

I'm feeling like my country has been left out, even though we are the country with the most sensible people in the world... we do not go to war for one thing, that's behind us :P

For those who doesn't get it: it's just a fun fact that's not really annoying, but still a thorn in the eye, and I'm not asking anyone to do anything about it. It's just conversation ;)
marieuh Jeudi 18 Décembre 2008 à 13:28


Hello Mr Viking!! I understand your frustration, I think ... maybe.
The menu's screenshots are in French mostly because well, most scriptors are French (It would be too much to ask GNU_Raziel to test the games in English ... )

But then again, having a version in French is not always a good thing. And the reason is that sometimes the French versions are just very very bad. I think it was gears of war I was playing the other day and I found the French version was awful ... (naaaah, it's not gears of wars, it's another fps I played on X-box [tried to at least, I just can't handle the joypad anymore ...])
still the point remains. Sometimes the French version is pretty good, other times it's just horrible.

My explanation is that maybe your country is being punished for Abba ...


edit: halo 3 ... that's the game I was playing!!(damn it took a long time to remember )... but then again, Gears of wars's French version ain't that good either

Edité par marieuh

If there is a problem, fill out complaint form and place it in an envelope addressed to the name of the hospital in which you were born....
nexter Dimanche 21 Décembre 2008 à 1:26

Hehe yeah, I noticed that you are a french community (mostly anyways).

Yeah, I actually play most games in english anyways, even if there really are a swedish language to select, just because it looks unnatural otherwise :P (and the fact that I'm a pirate is something best left not mentioned... oops :P)

The fun thing is that it's mostly non-swedes that listenes to Abba, not so many swedes... ;)

And by the way, when am I gonna get some more work? Been sitting on my ass like forever waiting now... (at least 2 days)
I feel forgotten...

marieuh Dimanche 21 Décembre 2008 à 11:07

aaaaaaaah, don't! (feel forgotten)

What's left to be translated (and that's the same for every language) is the documentation (manual/explanation and what not) that is being rewritten as I write. As soon as it's finished, I'll translate it and will in turn give it to you ... then when all that's finished we're in business
It was exams period but now that it's over I hope the doc will be finished soon ^^

as for abba, there is no excuse. It's part of an evil plan by Sweden to conquer the world I know,

If there is a problem, fill out complaint form and place it in an envelope addressed to the name of the hospital in which you were born....
nexter Dimanche 21 Décembre 2008 à 20:48

Okay, well that's good to hear... that I have such a massive project underway (the documentation)... :P

And yeah, it was, but since America is doing it the way they are, we figured that it will probably destroy itself anyways, so no worries... We just have to wait and bide our time... ;)
marieuh Lundi 22 Décembre 2008 à 0:18

that's exactly what I figured out.

sly sweded, waiting for the right time to just come out of the shadow and launch a huge attack of abba and other similar crap onto the world...
but we can defend ourselves. We're armed with pretty nasty crap here as well...

muahaha.. if a battle of horrible music were to take place... who can guess who'd win?
damn, we'd all be destroyed by the mighty Bavarian and their folk music... or the yoddling swiss maybe

we're doomed

If there is a problem, fill out complaint form and place it in an envelope addressed to the name of the hospital in which you were born....
nexter Lundi 22 Décembre 2008 à 16:03

Haha, yeah you've got it all figured out ;)
Bios Element Samedi 27 Décembre 2008 à 11:55
Bios ElementAnonymous

This is something that has been somewhat bothering to me for quite some time. It would be great if there could be some kind of "language" selector for the entire program to make it easier for us english speakers to poke through things.

Also, I know this isn't the place but i don't really know where else to ask this. How could one go about helping update the script "Descriptions" and (for lack of a better term "favicons" and such?
marieuh Samedi 27 Décembre 2008 à 12:49

well, indeed, quite an odd place for such remarks. There is a "suggestion" sub-forum that's here for that kind of questions.

about your first question, I can't answer, I thought guys could download pol already in English.
about the second suggestion, you should post on the "suggestion" sub-forum

and next time I want to see a hello in your post that will have been posted in the right place or I'm sending you my squad of yodeling swiss ninjas.

If there is a problem, fill out complaint form and place it in an envelope addressed to the name of the hospital in which you were born....

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