
Fable question

Can\'t find cd or setup splash quits itself.

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dubliette Mercredi 10 Juin 2009 à 9:00

its ok now i solved the problem, i changed the install.exe to setup.exe on the script and it runs thnx for all your help. now i have to install and test the game.

EDIT: i tried to install it but now it stops at 'click only "next" ONLY the game installation is finished'

Edité par dubliette

NSLW Mercredi 10 Juin 2009 à 9:35

EDIT: i tried to install it but now it stops at 'click only "next" ONLY the game installation is finished'

Quote from dubliette

you changed only one install.exe and there were two. I modified script. Please try it.

I wonder why there was install.exe
dubliette Mercredi 10 Juin 2009 à 10:06

oh thanks for that.

EDIT: i tried that script and it works fine but it still stops at the same place.

Edité par dubliette

NSLW Mercredi 10 Juin 2009 à 16:38

still stops at the same place.

Quote from dubliette

Are errors the same? Maybe it's simple error. You also have to take into account that this game has cd check which may not work in Linux but there is workaround which I'm not allowed to say.

I actually haven't wrote the script, GNU_Raziel is the one you should ask about running it.
dubliette Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 8:12

ok i think i found the problem, at the end it says wine: cannot find 'd:/install.exe, here's the terminal log when i ran playonlinux:

Cut to the most important part
wine: cannot find 'd:\\install.exe'

i wasnt sure how much of it u would need so i put in all of it.

Edité par NSLW

NSLW Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 8:51

Cut to the most important part
wine: cannot find 'd:\\install.exe'

Quote from dubliette

So your problem is that you still cant start installation and not with game.
You haven't used the script i modified. Please copy that script from 1st page to a file and then start installation.
dubliette Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 8:59

im pretty sure i did use ur new script but i copied it and used it again anyway and i have the same outcome
NSLW Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 9:03

The problem is that there is no install.exe in this script. So where does this error come from?
dubliette Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 9:10

actually there is, i found one by pressing ctrl + f and typed instal.exe. i found it and changed it to setup.exe and i am going to test it now
NSLW Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 9:14

pressing ctrl + f and typed instal.exe. i found it

Quote from dubliette

Your internet browser may have old site version in cache maybe.
dubliette Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 9:23

no i see the setup.exe in the script but when i copy and paste it turns into install.exe

EDIT: ok it installs and works fine but when i play it the video dont work and the graphics are all screwed up, there are black outline of everything. i'll install a direct x patch and see if that helps, because it did with oblivion.

Edité par dubliette

dubliette Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 9:41

also is there a possibility to disable the downloading of direct x for spore because im trying to install it constantly, because its really screwy, and it constantly downloads, could u turn it off and then tell people to install it after?
NSLW Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 9:47

ok it installs and works fine but when i play it the video dont work and the graphics are all screwed up, there are black outline of everything

Quote from dubliette

Try latest wine here(2b) is how to do it or use the one which was successful on AppDB

also is there a possibility to disable the downloading of direct x for spore

Quote from dubliette

Yes i'll do that. An user who wrote this script done it now very clever :(

Edité par NSLW

dubliette Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 9:55

Yes i'll do that. An user who wrote this script done it now very clever :(

Quote from dubliette

? sorry i dont rly understand that

Edité par dubliette

NSLW Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 10:02

sorry i dont rly understand that

Quote from dubliette

He didn't check if DirectX is already available and forced user to always download it. Now i fixed that.

Anyway if Fable installs then this problem is resolved. Any other issues with running Fable should be in another thread or in AppDB.

PS. For spore you can send me PM what do you've got in root of your CD
Is it "SPORESetup.exe" or sporeSetup.exe or maybe setup.exe :)
dubliette Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 11:52

i looked on the wine website and they have the same problems as me. they also say that i will have to install windows media player 9 to watch the movies
NSLW Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 11:57

i will have to install windows media player 9 to watch the movies

Quote from dubliette

Try POL Helper plugin. You can easily use winetricks to install wmp9 with his help.
dubliette Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 12:29

ok 2 things. i cant use POL Helper because when i try to use it this comes up:

/home/jazz/.PlayOnLinux//plugins/POL Helper/scripts/menu: line 21: ./POLH: Permission denied

and i cant install w/ the terminal because everytime i do the POL Help file deletes itself.

the second thing is what do i save the winetricks scripts as and where do i put it and how do i install WM9 w/ it?
NSLW Jeudi 11 Juin 2009 à 14:49

/home/jazz/.PlayOnLinux//plugins/POL Helper/scripts/menu: line 21: ./POLH: Permission denied

Quote from dubliette

Look here. POL Helper will make everything for you.
dubliette Vendredi 12 Juin 2009 à 9:48

ok i ran POL Helper and chose winetricks. and then i chose wmp9, it installed i ran fable and i still cant watch the movies.
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