
Fable question

Can\'t find cd or setup splash quits itself.

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aesopiankitty Samedi 6 September 2008 à 22:14

While trying to install fable i had 2 problems.
1. when using the install buttin or using the script i had from the site i could get only to the pick cd part where it says it cant find the cd.
2. with autorun, after the splash loads i click install and it quits. it says once its installed to click next but i cant install w/o the set up splash.
Ian Samedi 27 Décembre 2008 à 23:24

I to am trying to install fable though with the dvd version and playonlinux will on detect the cd version... any1 know how to fix this?
dubliette Dimanche 24 Mai 2009 à 11:10

yeh hi. that is my EXACT problem i dont no wat to do, btw sorry for resurrecting a dead thread but it seemed pointless starting a new one on this same subject, plz help i got fable, i rly want to play it and it doesn't work, oh and the same thing happens with SPORE, help PLZ!!!
NSLW Dimanche 24 Mai 2009 à 12:39

Hi dubliette
Please answer following questions so i can help you

1) Do you use DVD or CD edition?
2) When you insert your CD what do you see in "/media" directory? Is your cd mounted in cdrom0 directory or something like FABLE_DISK_1?
3) What are the labels of your CDs?
4) On which cd is mgspid.dll and PidGen.dll files?
5) Please send icon from cd to some file server or something like that. Please give me the name of that icon and CD on which it is and of course link to it.

Anyway you could try this script. It helps when CDs are mounted by HAL and it fixes issue with DVD editon and you don't have to copy all cds to HDD.


# Date : (2009-05-23 12-14)
# Last revision : (2009-06-11 12-00)
# Wine version used : N/A
# Distribution used to test : N/A
# Author : NSLW
# Licence : Retail
# Comments : CD has either setup.exe or install.exe and it isn't resolved here
[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
if [ "$POL_LANG" == "fr" ]; then
LNG_WAIT_CP="Patientez pendant la préparation de l'installation..."
LNG_MFC42_DL="Téléchargement de mfc42..."
LNG_DX9_DL="Téléchargement de la mise a jour DirectX9.0c pour Wine..."
LNG_DX9_INSTALL="L'installation de la mise a jour DirectX9.0c pour Wine va débuter."
LNG_FABLE_WARNING="A la fin de l'installation si on vous demande d'insérer le CD1
appuyez juste sur ANNULER et fermez correctement l'installeur
le jeu est déjà parfaitement installé et fonctionnel."
LNG_WAIT_END="Appuyez sur \\"Suivant\\" UNIQUEMENT quand l'installation du jeu sera terminée
sous peine de devoir recommencer l'installation."
NG_WAIT_CP="Wait while the installation is prepared..."
LNG_MFC42_DL="Downloading mfc42..."
LNG_DX9_DL="Downloading Wine DirectX9.0c Update..."
LNG_DX9_INSTALL="DirectX9.0c Update installation will begin."
LNG_FABLE_WARNING="A the end of the installation proccess, if you're asked to insert CD1
just press CANCEL et close installer
the game is already fully installed"
LNG_WAIT_END="Click on \\"Next\\" ONLY when the game installation is finished
or you will have to redo the installation."
TITLE="Fable : The Lost Chapters"
rm *.jpg
wget $SITE/setups/ftlc/left.jpg
POL_SetupWindow_Init "" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/left.jpg"
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "Microsoft Games" "" "GNU_Raziel and NSLW" "$PREFIX"
select_prefix "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/$PREFIX"
POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "setup.exe"
#POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "install.exe" #don't know if it's valid
#adding CD-ROM as drive d: to winecfg
CDROM2=`echo $CDROM | sed 's/-1/-2/'`
CDROM3=`echo $CDROM | sed 's/-1/-3/'`
CDROM4=`echo $CDROM | sed 's/-1/-4/'`
cd "$WINEPREFIX/dosdevices"
ln -s $CDROM d:
ln -s $CDROM2 e:
ln -s $CDROM3 f:
ln -s $CDROM4 g:
echo "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\Software\\\\Wine\\\\Drives]" > "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/cdrom.reg"
echo "\\"d:\\"=\\"cdrom\\"" >> "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/cdrom.reg"
echo "\\"e:\\"=\\"cdrom\\"" >> "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/cdrom.reg"
echo "\\"f:\\"=\\"cdrom\\"" >> "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/cdrom.reg"
echo "\\"g:\\"=\\"cdrom\\"" >> "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/cdrom.reg"
regedit "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/cdrom.reg"
POL_SetupWindow_message "Wait 5 seconds then click next" "$TYTUL"
cp "$CDROM/mgspid.dll" "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/system32"
cp "$CDROM/PidGen.dll" "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/system32"

cd "$REPERTOIRE/ressources"
#downloading winetricks
if [ "`sha1sum < winetricks | sed 's/ .*//'`" != "bf24bc6d84a40a836d7ce6de41ff04f910b34434" ]; then
wget --output-document=winetricks

#downloading wmp9
if [ ! -e "$HOME/.winetrickscache/MPSetup.exe" ]; then
mkdir "$HOME/.winetrickscache"
cd "$HOME/.winetrickscache"
POL_SetupWindow_download "Downloading DirectX WMP 9" "$TYTUL" ""

#installing wmp9
cd "$REPERTOIRE/ressources"
POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Installing WMP 9..." "$TYTUL"
bash winetricks -q wmp9

cd "$REPERTOIRE/ressources"
if [ ! -e $REPERTOIRE/ressources/D3DX9_XX_dll_\\(32Bit_All\\).zip ]; then
POL_SetupWindow_download "$LNG_DX9_DL" "Fable : The Lost Chapters" ""
if [ ! -e $REPERTOIRE/ressources/ ]; then
POL_SetupWindow_download "$LNG_MFC42_DL" "Fable : The Lost Chapters" ""
cd $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/system32/
unzip $REPERTOIRE/ressources/
regsvr32 mfc42.dll
Set_OS "winxp"
cd $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/
unzip $REPERTOIRE/ressources/D3DX9_XX_dll_\\(32Bit_All\\).zip
POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_DX9_INSTALL" "Fable : The Lost Chapters"
wine c:\\\\windows\\\\temp\\\\D3DX9_XX_dll_\\(32Bit_All\\)\\\\Install\\\\DXSETUP.exe
POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_FABLE_WARNING" "Fable : The Lost Chapters"
wine d:\\\\setup.exe
#wine d:\\\\install.exe #don't know if it's valid
POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_WAIT_END" "Fable : The Lost Chapters"
Set_Managed "On"
Set_DXGrab "On"
echo "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Software\\\\Wine\\\\DllOverrides]" > $REPERTOIRE/tmp/dlloverrides.reg
echo "\\"quartz\\"=\\"native,builtin\\"" >> $REPERTOIRE/tmp/dlloverrides.reg
regedit $REPERTOIRE/tmp/dlloverrides.reg
POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "$PREFIX" "Program Files/Microsoft Games/Fable - The Lost Chapters" "Fable.exe" "FableTheLostChapter.xpm" "$TITLE"
POL_SetupWindow_message "$TITLE has been installed successfully" "$TITLE"

Edité par NSLW

dubliette Dimanche 24 Mai 2009 à 14:42

actually i downloaded this version, i bought fable the lost chapters waaaaaaaaaaaay back and i lost it and then found it but it was scratched beyond repair, so i downloaded it and put it onto 4 seperate dvd's. 1) im not sure if it is the dvd or cd version but the files on each disc are about 400mb-700mb but i put them on a dvd. 2) when i put it in it comes up as Fable Disk 1-1. 3) the labels on my disks are fable disk 1, fable disk 2, etc. 4) mgspid.dll and PidGen.dll are on the first disk. My HAL is currently screwing up a little and i cant mount SOME disk's with it, BUT i can mount fable. and no the script did not work.
NSLW Dimanche 24 Mai 2009 à 17:48

So it's not original version and i cannot help you.
I think you have to make your dvds look like originals and let HAL mount them himself.
dubliette Lundi 25 Mai 2009 à 8:11

actually i borrowed my friends fable lost chapters (cd version and original) and tried it and it still didnt work.
NSLW Lundi 25 Mai 2009 à 9:18

it still didnt work.

Quote from dubliette

Still asks for first CD?

Anyway start playonlinux from terminal and use above script (it has been modified) then post your output from terminal.

Edité par NSLW

dubliette Mardi 26 Mai 2009 à 10:18

Ok i did that a here's what came up

PlayOnLinux v3.5

Checking python : [ Ok ]
--2009-05-26 18:23:58--
Connecting to connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 10533 (10K) [image/jpeg]
Saving to: `left.jpg'

100%[====================================================>] 10,533 --.-K/s in 0.02s

2009-05-26 18:23:58 (651 KB/s) - `left.jpg' saved [10533/10533]

ERROR: object '/usr/lib64/libv4l/' from /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/lib64/libv4l/' from /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/lib64/libv4l/' from /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/lib64/libv4l/' from /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/lib64/libv4l/' from /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/lib64/libv4l/' from /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored.

and here's what it said on a game that did work (warcraft 3 tft)

PlayOnLinux v3.5

Checking python : [ Ok ]
Running install menu
ERROR: object '/usr/lib64/libv4l/' from /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/lib64/libv4l/' from /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored.
fixme:bitblt:X11DRV_ClientSideDIBCopy potential optimization: client-side color-index mode DIB copy
fixme:bitblt:X11DRV_ClientSideDIBCopy potential optimization: client-side color-index mode DIB copy

Edité par Ghostofkendo

NSLW Mardi 26 Mai 2009 à 13:51

Has it crashed for you? I don't see the part where you choose your friends original CDs.
dubliette Mercredi 27 Mai 2009 à 7:55

no this is w/ my dvds i dont have my friends game but i can get it if it helps
NSLW Mercredi 27 Mai 2009 à 8:02

no this is w/ my dvds

Quote from dubliette

I cannot help you with not original DVDs. Besides I also don't see the part where you choose your DVD.
dubliette Mercredi 27 Mai 2009 à 8:07

what i did was open terminal. type Playonlinux and it opens. i click "run non-official script". the script runs. i get to the bit where it asks for a cd and the disk title is in the list i click on it and it says "cannot find cd". btw it reads in Autorun but i cant install.
NSLW Mercredi 27 Mai 2009 à 8:13

i click on it and it says "cannot find cd"

Quote from dubliette

Because original CD have install.exe on it. It's a check if you put good cd in your drive and not some cooking book on DVD. You should really get originals otherwise i won't help you.

Edité par NSLW

dubliette Mercredi 27 Mai 2009 à 8:16

ok ill try and get originals tomoro thnx for all ur help so far. ill update u on what's happenning w/ it 2moro.

EDIT:i installed it w/ wine but it wont run.

Edité par dubliette

dubliette Mardi 9 Juin 2009 à 8:49

i finally got fable off my friend, the cd version and it still doesn't read. It mounts as "Fable Disk 1-1", same as before AND i mounted it with pmount and it mounted as "dvd" and that didnt work either.

EDIT: also i tried to install in wine and a error message came up:

We are sorry, but we have detected that the game did not exit correctly. We recommend starting the game in safe mode. Safe mode may disable some advanced features of the game, but may allow you to play the game.

and this:

Machine info: 1600MHz, 2048MB, 256M (0x1b4a148)

And here's what it says when i run it from the terminal :

ERROR: object '/usr/lib64/libv4l/' from /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '/usr/lib64/libv4l/' from /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored.
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x2fd62c,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x2fd210,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:devenum:DEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {cc7bfb41-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not found

EDIT: Cut because this wasn't important

Edité par NSLW

NSLW Mardi 9 Juin 2009 à 13:09

It mounts as "Fable Disk 1-1"

Quote from dubliette
Does all CDs are mounted in "/media" directory? If it is so then the script was modified so try it and give me the output.

i mounted it with pmount and it mounted as "dvd"

Quote from dubliette

Why do you mount twice when this was mounted earlier?

EDIT: also i tried to install in wine

Quote from dubliette

GNU_Raziel who wrote former version of that script did some tweaking to Wine so it'll probably don't work with plain Wine.

PS. You haven't wrote you use 64 bit OS. Do you have 32 bit graphic drivers installed? Does other games work?
dubliette Mardi 9 Juin 2009 à 13:53

what do u mean "Does all CDs are mounted in "/media" directory?" do u mean do all my discs mount to the /media if so then yes and ill try the script later. i didnt mount the disc twice in one go. first i mounted it w/ HAL and then unmounted it and then used pmount to see if different mounting options would make a difference. yes i have a 64-bit OS, sorry about not including that, and i have several other games installed including: Dawn of War dark crusade, Oblivion (with all addons, including shivering isles and knights of the nine), warcraft 3 and warcraft 3 tft and prince of persia. i also have spore but that doesnt work. i have the same problem i have with fable, playonlinux cant locate the disc.thnx

Edité par dubliette

NSLW Mardi 9 Juin 2009 à 15:54

what do u mean "Does all CDs are mounted in "/media" directory?" do u mean do all my discs mount to the /media if so then yes and ill try the script later.

Quote from dubliette


first i mounted it w/ HAL and then unmounted it and then used pmount to see if different mounting options would make a difference.

Quote from dubliette

HAL do automatic mounting and if it's mounted with HAL don't unmount it. I try to make scripts for all so you don't have to make anything special.

yes i have a 64-bit OS, sorry about not including that, and i have several other games installed including: Dawn of War dark crusade, Oblivion (with all addons, including shivering isles and knights of the nine), warcraft 3 and warcraft 3 tft and prince of persia.

Quote from dubliette

If they do work then there is no problem.

playonlinux cant locate the disc.thnx

Quote from dubliette

Do you've got "install.exe" or "Install.exe" on your first cd or maybe it's setup.exe?
dubliette Mercredi 10 Juin 2009 à 8:57

it is setup.exe
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