
Pol on manjaro won't start

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Qnap Samedi 10 Octobre 2020 à 20:15

Hello all Pol users

Im quit new to linux, but all ready use alot of time to read and search for a solution but now i dont has the knogled to solve it.

Problem: Wine do it job with no problems, but Pol are starting and disappers again.

My system is:

Manjaro v.20.1.1 KDE

Kernel: 5.8.11-1-MANJARO

Wine: 5.18-1 from pacman

Pol: 4.3.4-2 from pacman

I did try following:

Uninstall wine and pol and also delete the folders ./wine and /.playonlinux in the home folders

But, after the clean up, Pol is asking to make and database and after the answer its newer work as i should.

Did make an reinstall of Python

Someone who has the same problems and did find a solution ?


Edité par Qnap

Dadu042 Samedi 10 Octobre 2020 à 23:11

POL requires Wine to be installed.

Qnap Samedi 10 Octobre 2020 à 23:20


It's alredy installed and pol, as i described

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