
Set OS to wn10

Install Magic The Gathering: Arena

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isaacangello Samedi 5 Octobre 2019 à 10:03

Hello, I have already managed to run Magic the Gathering Arena, and I am trying to create a script to make it available for everyone to use, but I need help with some settings, and I haven't found it in the documentation yet.
I need to set wine for Windows 10 and automatically add keys to the wine registry (windows registry).
Can anyone give me instructions?
 Another thing is the possibility of having wine 4.5, because the magic run with this version of wine.



booman Lundi 25 Novembre 2019 à 23:19

Look through the source on any "Supported software" on the PlayOnLinux website.  There has to be code on how to switch Windows version in Wine Config

Like this one:

Probably the "SetOS" command, try changing to "win10" (just a guess)

Set_OS "winxp" "sp1"

Edité par booman

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
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