
Running playonlinux as non-root user: "Unable to open the X Display"

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FiftyTifty Lundi 30 September 2019 à 22:24

I'm fairly new to Ubuntu, so do bear with me.


I've installed playonlinux via the terminal, and upon running it, I am greeted with an error that says it cannot be run as root. The commannd I used to run it is DISPLAY=:50.0 playonlinux. After switching to my non-root sudo user "steam", and running that same command, an error is thrown saying that it cannot find the display. Running xdpyinfo returns the error xdpyinfo: unable to open display "". with there being no relevant results on google. How do I resolve this?


Edit: Here is a screenshot of the terminal:


Edit2: After connecting to the server through X2Go, through my steam sudo user instead of root, I got playonlinux to launch. However, it throws a large number of errors when I try to install anything. No subsequent panels appear, as the GUI utterly fails to display:

Edité par Dadu042

Dadu042 Mercredi 2 Octobre 2019 à 17:16

Perhaps have a look to: Graphics Card Drivers.

However the OS you are using is quite uncommon frown ... ( Ubuntu 19.04 Disco 64 minimal ).

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