
fixed SWTOR script needs 4.12.1

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Korianne Jeudi 8 Aoüt 2019 à 0:24

In PlayOnMac, window "Manage Wine Versions" the last available versions I find are 4.3 or 4.11.

The last fixed script requires wine 4.12.1 and obviously it stops saying POM can't find wine 4.12.1. Am I doing something wrong?

Dadu042 Jeudi 8 Aoüt 2019 à 16:37

What is your PlayOnMac version ?

Korianne Vendredi 9 Aoüt 2019 à 3:11

version 4.3.4, the last one available. I already tried redownloading and installing a fresh app, to no difference.

Dadu042 Vendredi 9 Aoüt 2019 à 11:21

I don't know on PlayOnMac 4.3.4 what is the latest Wine version available.


In your case, you may copy  the script from its web page then copy it into a text file ".POL", then edit it and change the Wine version, save it, then use it manually from POM (menu Tools -> Run a local script).

Edité par Dadu042

Korianne Vendredi 9 Aoüt 2019 à 22:19

Tried using up to 4.11 (most recent wine version POM can find), and also have tried every time deleting the install directory first, to have a fresh start, but apparenty it doesn't work still.

At first, the wizard would stop at choosing language for the installation - the script instructs to open a window to choose, and what I got was instead a window with "Choose language" and then blank slate. I made a modification to skip that issue by commenting out the lines in the script, and set just lang=en-US from the start.

# Language selection #

#POL_SetupWindow_menu "Choose a language:" "$TITLE" "English|Français|Deutsch" "|"
#if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "English" ]; then
#elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "Français" ]; then
#    lang="fr-fr"
#elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "Deutsch" ]; then
#    lang="de-de"

At this point it proceeds, lets me run the installer but stops immediately after, saying the xml is corrupt (?) and it can't find launcher.exe.

N.B. I installed the game in VirtualPC from the very same installer exe, so I don't think it can be its fault.

I suspect it might very well be an issue with the wine version, yet I don't know what else to try. Is there a way for me to install a 4.12.1 manually?

Dadu042 Vendredi 9 Aoüt 2019 à 23:39

> Is there a way for me to install a 4.12.1 manually?


No, until it appear in the POM's list.

Korianne Samedi 10 Aoüt 2019 à 0:12

Ah, well, I'll wait then, hopefully it will happen at some point. Thank you for your help!

Dadu042 Mercredi 14 Aoüt 2019 à 17:47

FYI, build status is there :

Edité par Dadu042

Ayris Jeudi 5 September 2019 à 20:25

I'm also trying to play SWTOR and running into the same issue. I don't understand why it requires 4.12.1 if it's not even available?

Dadu042 Vendredi 6 September 2019 à 23:23

Because the last person that updated the script did not think/test about OSX users, or thought (like me) that the 4.12.1 release would come fast.

Dadu042 Samedi 7 September 2019 à 12:02

I downgraded the script to Wine 4.11, and made some little changes.

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