
Donation Link Broken

Auteur Réponses
kamujim Jeudi 1 Aoüt 2019 à 13:43

Tried to donate to the team, but the link seems dead.

Dadu042 Jeudi 1 Aoüt 2019 à 18:34

Thanks for the feedback.   is down, I forward the info to the webmaster.

kerryparker Dimanche 4 Aoüt 2019 à 17:25

The above link just works fine. we must donate and do our part by adding some more donations and for some accurate calculations , derivative calculator can be used.The most reliable i can say.

Edité par kerryparker

Quentin PÂRIS Mardi 6 Aoüt 2019 à 10:43
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous


Thank you for your contribution, we really appreciate it.

The donation link is currently disabled for a while. I will let you know when we accept donation once again.

Best regards and thanks again,


booman Jeudi 9 Janvier 2020 à 16:23

Actually the donation link is still broken or broken again.

Nothing loads on the page....


† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Dadu042 Jeudi 9 Janvier 2020 à 17:25

Perhaps it's because POL donation account is stuck at 999,999$ ? wink

booman Jeudi 9 Janvier 2020 à 17:26

Then I'll donate a penny to burst the bubble!

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
benyaminl Lundi 3 Février 2020 à 13:28

Waiting for donation URL back online.


Anyway does POL directly support wine? I heard that POL is different than CodeWeaver. 

PlayOnLinux for rest of life. Thanks for the maintainer!
booman Lundi 3 Février 2020 à 16:08

PlayOnLinux developers are not part of Codeweavers developers.  Codeweavers develop Wine and Crossover which is available via purchase.  PlayOnLinux is a frontend (Graphical Interface) that uses Wine to run Windows applications.

Not sure if PlayOnLinux team donates to Wine development or provides any code for them?

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
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