
err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.

Auteur Réponses
Dadu042 Vendredi 26 Avril 2019 à 12:44

This issue also occurs on Linux (ubuntu 18.10)  :


What is  the right way to fix it ? (POL 4.3.4)

Quentin PÂRIS Mercredi 1 Mai 2019 à 10:13
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

The right way is to have samba installed. On macOS, we have a function that provides winbind

Quentin PÂRIS Mercredi 1 Mai 2019 à 10:14
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Check office 2010 script 

Dadu042 Samedi 11 Mai 2019 à 10:12

In Microsoft Office 2010 I found this part of code :

if [ "$POL_OS" = "Mac" ]; then
    # Samba support
    POL_Call POL_GetTool_samba3
    source "$POL_USER_ROOT/tools/samba3/init"

Is it what your talking about ?   Because I 'm on Linux, not OS X...

Edité par Dadu042

Quentin PÂRIS Samedi 11 Mai 2019 à 16:27
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

On linux, juste install winbind and you are good

superstar1010 Samedi 8 Juin 2019 à 13:24


On linux, juste install winbind and you are good ????

Hi Quentin - I have MAC OS Sierra -with PlayonMac- and I get the error message above when I try and run MT4Bar =- which appears to hve installed OK - I thought maybe I had to re-install Winbind - but I can't figure out how - do I go to PlayonMac console (in the  Tools menu)? One thread suggested using SUDO  Apt-Get Remove Winbind && SUDO Apt-Get Install Winbind - but the Apt-Get command is not found, and Winbind is also not found -  I have to bbe in some particular directory?? Thanks for any help...................

superstar1010 Samedi 8 Juin 2019 à 13:25

Should be:  Do I have to be in some particular directory?? Thanks for any help...................


superstar1010 Samedi 8 Juin 2019 à 13:33


Also on May 5th 21 27: You say:  'There is also a bundled component in PlayOnMac to install ntlm_auth for a given app ;)'

How do I access that??  THANK YOU.




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