
What is wrong with the 'Add a program' feature ?

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Dadu042 Samedi 23 Mars 2019 à 23:22

Hello, I tried several times to add my script to POL by using the website 'Add a program' feature, however each time I can not make it correctly, for example the script is never at the right place and I don't understand how to fix it.

Is there something wrong with this feature, or is only lacking some help ?

Quentin PÂRIS Mardi 2 Avril 2019 à 23:32
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

What do you mean by "not a the right place" ?

Dadu042 Mercredi 3 Avril 2019 à 0:00

I mean that the source code I post is under "Description", and not under "Source code".

Again the same issue :

Quentin PÂRIS Dimanche 7 Avril 2019 à 14:45
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

I think you did it right. The code should not be put inside description. It needs to be validate de later on

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