
Playonmac wizard doesn't work

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Jaime Jeudi 14 Février 2019 à 22:51

Hello ! 

I am trying to install a non-listed program, but the Wizard doesnt work. It doesnt show the options to install the program.

Thanks for your help ! 



gdougam Vendredi 3 Avril 2020 à 17:29

Hello! I am having the same problem, when it goes to the "PlayOnMac Wizard" installation it is blank.

My version of POM is 4.3.4
MacOX Mojave

Link to image

I had to apply a change in the preogram to let me run it ...
I found the change in this same forum ..
"Try to open the following file with a text editor:


Line 25:


CurrentLocale = "$ (defaults read -g AppleLocale)"


CurrentLocale = "$ (defaults read loc)" "

I hope you can help me! thanks!



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