
PlayOnMac has encountered a fatal error, and will now terminate.

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fragilis Samedi 11 Juillet 2020 à 6:44

also wondering if there's a workaround or fix for this

would it have something to do with the OS version? i'm on 10.13.6 due to the fact that updating to catalina would hinder the performance of or completely break apps i need to use on a daily basis

does POM need to run on catalina? or is it some other issue?

Ashuldur Vendredi 4 September 2020 à 12:30

Hello! I have the same problem, can anyone help me? I tried to set system language on English and it didn't work. Here is my terminal output >>>

Danieloliver Mercredi 23 September 2020 à 1:13

Can someone Helpme please ?     I have the same problem.  There is the info from my terminal



Last login: Tue Sep 22 00:12:34 on ttys000

MacBook-Pro-de-Daniel:~ danieloliver$ /Applications/

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Applications/", line 80, in <module>

    import ctypes

  File "<frozen zipimport>", line 259, in load_module

  File "ctypes/__init__.pyc", line 7, in <module>

ImportError: dlopen(/Applications/, 2): Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin

  Referenced from: /Applications/ (which was built for Mac OS X 10.15)

  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

in /Applications/

2020-09-22 18:08:50.628 playonmac.real[6310:168263] An uncaught exception was raThis may mean that an unexpected error has occurred, or that you do not have allSee the Console for a detailed traceback..

MacBook-Pro-de-Daniel:~ danieloliver$

Dade28 Mercredi 23 September 2020 à 16:28

Hey I am having the same issue and its really ruining my day as I cant trade the markets without this app


Dade28 Mercredi 23 September 2020 à 16:28

Hey I am having the same issue and its really ruining my day as I cant trade the markets without this app


IDunnoMac Mardi 29 September 2020 à 17:49

so yesterday i deleted my old playonmac, and when i reinstall it it says PlayOnMac has encountered a fatal error, and will now terminate. what do i do? is there going to be a new version that will work?

Zeebex Mardi 6 Octobre 2020 à 5:51

Running into teh same problem here. 

2020-10-05 20:50:18.279 defaults[49206:3431198]

The domain/default pair of (, loc) does not exist

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Applications/", line 80, in <module>

    import ctypes

  File "<frozen zipimport>", line 259, in load_module

  File "ctypes/__init__.pyc", line 7, in <module>

ImportError: dlopen(/Applications/, 2): Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin

  Referenced from: /Applications/

  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

in /Applications/

2020-10-05 20:50:18.534 playonmac.real[49207:3431204] An uncaught exception was This may mean that an unexpected error has occurred, or that you do not have allSee the Console for a detailed traceback..

andreaplanet Mercredi 7 Octobre 2020 à 1:27

On El Capitan I still use POM 4.3.4. Older versions of POM can be found here if needed

Shanghai Dimanche 18 Octobre 2020 à 2:11

Has this been resolved yet?

I am using wineskin to trade mt4 on my mac but some features dont work. Like when i select a line to draw it just gives me a ray, who uses a ray.. and i can't go bar by bar forward with normally F12. Does it function better with playonmac?

Hey I am having the same issue and its really ruining my day as I cant trade the markets without this app



kamilovesoccer11 Jeudi 3 Décembre 2020 à 4:25

Hey, I'm running version 10.12.6 mac OS Sierra and I'm haiving the same issue as soon as I try to instal POM. I also tried running the app though the terminal and I get a message saying the app doesnt exist. 

OsunaS2003 Vendredi 18 Décembre 2020 à 2:08

I have MacOS Sierra, and the PlayOnMac 4.4.1 doesn't work. does anybody know how to fix it?

Quentin PÂRIS Samedi 26 Décembre 2020 à 16:43
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin

> This error comes from the fact that the latest PlayOnMac version will only run on macOS 10.15+. For older version of macOS, please use an older version of PoM:

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