
POL not finding required drivers and fonts freetype

Auteur Réponses
jamby Dimanche 2 Décembre 2018 à 19:20


First posting.  When starting POL from a console I get a number of errors and trying to install Sketchup I am met with a swirling icon that never ends.  Hopefully the information below will help. 

Computer: CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core),  POL 4.3.3 (playonlinux-4.3.3-fedora0.noarch),  2) cpu Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6700@2.66GHz, MemTotal: 7941756 kB,  NVIDIA Corporation G80GL [Quadro FX 4600].

software: freetype-2.4.11-15.el7.x86_64  freetype-devel-2.4.11-15.el7.x86_64,  /usr/lib64/dri/, /usr/lib64/dri/

[jamby@tri lib]$ playonlinux
Looking for python... 2.7.5 - wxversion(s): 2.8-gtk2-unicode
[main] Message: PlayOnLinux (4.3.3) is starting
[clean_tmp] Message: Cleaning temp directory
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: nouveau
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: nouveau
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
[Check_OpenGL] Warning: 32bits direct rendering is not enabled
[Check_OpenGL] Message: 64bits direct rendering is enabled
[POL_System_CheckFS] Message: Checking filesystem for /home/jamby/.PlayOnLinux/
[main] Message: Filesystem is compatible
[install_plugins] Message: Checking plugin: Capture...
[install_plugins] Message: Checking plugin: ScreenCap...
[install_plugins] Message: Checking plugin: PlayOnLinux Vault...
[update_check] Message: List is up to date
[POL_SetupWindow_Init] Message: Creating new window for pid 15844
[POL_SetupWindow_Close] Message: Closing window for pid 15844
[POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of /home/jamby/.PlayOnLinux//install
[POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
[POL_Bash] Message: POL GPG : Good signature - Google SketchUp
[POL_SetupWindow_Init] Message: Creating new window for pid 16360
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: nouveau
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: nouveau
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
[POL_Wine_SelectPrefix] Message: Selecting prefix: GoogleSketchUp
[POL_System_SetArch] Message: POL_ARCH set to x86
[POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Setting POL_WINEVERSION to 1.7.22
[POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Creating prefix (1.7.22)...
[POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Prefix already exists
[POL_SetupWindow_menu] Message: menu answer: Erase (virtual drive content will be lost)
[POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Erase Prefix
[POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Using wine 1.7.22
[POL_Wine_InstallVersion] Message: Installing wine version path: 1.7.22, x86
[POL_Config_PrefixWrite] Message: Prefix config write: ARCH x86
[POL_Config_PrefixWrite] Message: Prefix config write: VERSION 1.7.22
[POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.22 --version (Working directory : /home/jamby/.PlayOnLinux/shortcuts)
[POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See
[POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: nouveau
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: nouveau
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
which: no wineprefixcreate in (/home/jamby/.PlayOnLinux//wine/linux-x86/1.7.22/bin/:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/home/jamby/.local/bin:/home/jamby/bin:/home/jamby/opt/mono/bin)
Wine cannot find the FreeType font library.  To enable Wine to
use TrueType fonts please install a version of FreeType greater than
or equal to 2.0.5.


[12/02/18 09:29:15] - Running wine-1.7.22 --version (Working directory : /home/jamby/.PlayOnLinux/shortcuts)

PlayOnLinux logfile
Date: 12/02/18 09:29:15

> PlayOnLinux Version
> uname -a
  Linux tri 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Sep 26 15:12:11 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> lsb_release -a
> wine --version
> Distribution
  CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)
> glxinfo \| grep rendering
  direct rendering: Yes
> glxinfo \| grep renderer
      GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent, GLX_MESA_query_renderer,
    GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent, GLX_MESA_query_renderer,
OpenGL renderer string: NV50
> OpenGL libs (Direct rendering testing)
  32bits direct rendering is not enabled
  64bits direct rendering is enabled


PlayOnLinux debugging tool (v4.3.3)
Debugging: Google SketchUp

Warning: This is a PlayOnLinux script logfile. It does not contain everything that happened in your program\'s virtual drive (wineprefix)
Please do not use this logfile on winehq forum, this logfile is not interesting for wine debugging.

Date: 12/02/18 09:28:58

> uname -a
  Linux tri 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Sep 26 15:12:11 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> lsb_release -a
> wine --version (Be careful; this version might not be the version used
in the script. Read the content of this file for more information)
> glxinfo \| grep rendering
  direct rendering: Yes
> glxinfo \| grep renderer
      GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent, GLX_MESA_query_renderer,
    GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent, GLX_MESA_query_renderer,
OpenGL renderer string: NV50
> OpenGL libs
  32bits direct rendering is not enabled
  64bits direct rendering is enabled
> export
  declare -x AMD64_COMPATIBLE="True"
declare -x APPLICATION_TITLE="PlayOnLinux"
declare -x COLORTERM="truecolor"
declare -x DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-QjhRhc63w6,guid=fa7e43e028079cf73b249e875bff1ec2"
declare -x DESKTOP="/home/jamby/Desktop"
declare -x DESKTOP_SESSION="gnome-classic"
declare -x DISPLAY=":0"
declare -x DONT_MONITOR="1"
declare -x DYLDPATH_ORIGIN=""
declare -x DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=""
declare -x GDMSESSION="gnome-classic"
declare -x GDM_LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
declare -x GECKO_SITE=""
declare -x GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID="this-is-deprecated"
declare -x GNOME_SHELL_SESSION_MODE="classic"
declare -x GNUPGHOME="/home/jamby/.PlayOnLinux//gpg"
declare -x HISTCONTROL="ignoredups"
declare -x HISTSIZE="1000"
declare -x HOME="/home/jamby"
declare -x HOSTNAME="tri"
declare -x IGNORE_ICON_DIR="false"
declare -x IMSETTINGS_MODULE="none"
declare -x LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
declare -x LD_32_PATH_ORIGIN=""
declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=""
declare -x LD_PATH_ORIGIN=""
declare -x LESSOPEN="||/usr/bin/ %s"
declare -x LOADEDMODULES=""
declare -x LOGNAME="jamby"
declare -x LS_COLORS="rs=0:di=38;5;27:ln=38;5;51:mh=44;38;5;15:pi=40;38;5;11:so=38;5;13:do=38;5;5:bd=48;5;232;38;5;11:cd=48;5;232;38;5;3:or=48;5;232;38;5;9:mi=05;48;5;232;38;5;15:su=48;5;196;38;5;15:sdeclare -x MACHTYPE="x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"
declare -x MAIL="/var/spool/mail/jamby"
declare -x MD5_COMMAND="md5sum"
declare -x MODULEPATH="/usr/share/Modules/modulefiles:/etc/modulefiles"
declare -x MODULESHOME="/usr/share/Modules"
declare -x MONO_SITE=""
declare -x OLDPWD="/home/jamby/.PlayOnLinux/plugins"
declare -x OS_NAME="linux"
declare -x OpenGL32="0"
declare -x OpenGL64="1"
declare -x PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/home/jamby/.local/bin:/home/jamby/bin:/home/jamby/opt/mono/bin"
declare -x PATH_ORIGIN="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/home/jamby/.local/bin:/home/jamby/bin:/home/jamby/opt/mono/bin"
declare -x PLAYONLINUX="/usr/share/playonlinux"
declare -x POL_ARCH="x86"
declare -x POL_COOKIE="FEICQy4oSaVs24IyFsX5"
declare -x POL_CURL="curl"
declare -x POL_DNS=""
declare -x POL_HOST=""
declare -x POL_ID="35263067"
declare -x POL_LANG="en"
declare -x POL_OS="Linux"
declare -x POL_PORT="30000"
declare -x POL_PYTHON="python"
declare -x POL_SetupWindow_ID="16360"
declare -x POL_TERM="xterm"
declare -x POL_UPTODATE="TRUE"
declare -x POL_USER_ARCH="x86"
declare -x POL_USER_ROOT="/home/jamby/.PlayOnLinux/"
declare -x POL_WGET="env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"\" wget --prefer-family=IPv4 -q"
declare -x PWD="/usr/share/playonlinux/python"
declare -x QT_IM_MODULE="xim"
declare -x REPERTOIRE="/home/jamby/.PlayOnLinux/"
declare -x SCRIPTID="Google SketchUp"
declare -x SED="sed"
declare -x SESSION_MANAGER="local/unix:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/1869,unix/unix:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1869"
declare -x SETUPWINDOW_INIT="true"
declare -x SHELL="/bin/bash"
declare -x SHLVL="6"
declare -x SITE=""
declare -x SSH_AGENT_PID="2072"
declare -x SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh"
declare -x TERM="xterm-256color"
declare -x TEXTDOMAIN="pol"
declare -x TEXTDOMAINDIR="/usr/share/playonlinux/lang/locale/"
declare -x TITLE="Google SketchUp"
declare -x TITRE="PlayOnLinux"
declare -x UBUNTU_MENUPROXY="0"
declare -x USER="jamby"
declare -x USERNAME="jamby"
declare -x VERSION="4.3.3"
declare -x VTE_VERSION="4602"
declare -x WGETRC="/home/jamby/.PlayOnLinux//configurations/wgetrc"
declare -x WINDOWID="52428806"
declare -x WINDOWPATH="1"
declare -x WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winemenubuilder.exe=d"
declare -x WINEPREFIX="/home/jamby/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/default"
declare -x WINE_SITE=""
declare -x WorkingDirectory="/usr/lib"
declare -x XAUTHORITY="/run/gdm/auth-for-jamby-FllnMI/database"
declare -x XDG_DATA_DIRS="/home/jamby/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/"
declare -x XDG_MENU_PREFIX="gnome-"
declare -x XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/1000"
declare -x XDG_SEAT="seat0"
declare -x XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP="gnome-classic"
declare -x XDG_SESSION_ID="2"
declare -x XDG_SESSION_TYPE="x11"
declare -x XDG_VTNR="1"
declare -x XMODIFIERS="@im=none"

12/02/18 09:29:05 - [POL_Wine_SelectPrefix] Message: Selecting prefix: GoogleSketchUp
12/02/18 09:29:05 - [POL_System_SetArch] Message: POL_ARCH set to x86
12/02/18 09:29:05 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Setting POL_WINEVERSION to 1.7.22
12/02/18 09:29:05 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Creating prefix (1.7.22)...
12/02/18 09:29:05 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Prefix already exists
12/02/18 09:29:14 - [POL_SetupWindow_menu] Message: menu answer: Erase (virtual drive content will be lost)
12/02/18 09:29:14 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Erase Prefix
12/02/18 09:29:15 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Using wine 1.7.22
12/02/18 09:29:15 - [POL_Wine_InstallVersion] Message: Installing wine version path: 1.7.22, x86
12/02/18 09:29:15 - [POL_Config_PrefixWrite] Message: Prefix config write: ARCH x86
12/02/18 09:29:15 - [POL_Config_PrefixWrite] Message: Prefix config write: VERSION 1.7.22
12/02/18 09:29:15 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.22 --version (Working directory : /home/jamby/.PlayOnLinux/shortcuts)
12/02/18 09:29:15 - [POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See
12/02/18 09:29:15 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0


Thanks for your time



Tutul Dimanche 2 Décembre 2018 à 20:22

The LibGL error are not POL related but OpenGL related. You seem to miss some library and/or kernel module (related to your graphic card).

Gentils modérateur dans mes bon jours - Attention, à tenir hors de portée des enfants. En cas de contact, veuillez immédiatement rincer à l'eau clair. Peut provoquer des sueurs froide !
jamby Dimanche 2 Décembre 2018 à 22:43


  Yes the 32bit openGL fails but the 64bit is enabled. 

And that maybe the key to why the others fail since there are no 32bit librarys on my computer.  Is there anywhere I can point POL  to the 64 bit librarys and the freetype libs at /usr/include/freetype2/freetype/ ?

thank you



Quentin PÂRIS Dimanche 2 Décembre 2018 à 23:05
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

You need 32bits libraries to make 32bits program run

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