
Installation guide for Playonmac programs.

Step by step guide

Auteur Réponses
turbotulloch Samedi 16 Juin 2018 à 22:08

I have just registered for POM and I find it the most frustrating program I have ever come across. For a start it took about 8 0r 9 attempts to register as the email with the code took too long  before  the process timed out.

Surely it cannot be too difficult for you clever people who wrote the program, to come up with a simple straight forward step by step guide on how to install a program from Windows using Playonmac without causing people to run sreaming from the Mac!!!


Thank you,

Turbo T

Tutul Dimanche 17 Juin 2018 à 1:37

Gentils modérateur dans mes bon jours - Attention, à tenir hors de portée des enfants. En cas de contact, veuillez immédiatement rincer à l'eau clair. Peut provoquer des sueurs froide !

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