
Conquer Online 2.0


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chain2k Mercredi 21 Mai 2008 à 19:10

The game page is:
Recently gtludwig, ask to help in install this game. I've checked
As you can see there were at least 4 unresolved problems with running and playng Conquer Online:
1. Not installable from Linux, only copy from windows installation
2. Bug with cursor, so gamer can't see it
3. Windows are buggy on logon screen and you can't catch input fields
4. You must have windows and may be microsoft office to get dll's and fonts, game can't start without it.
So I think that gold status was a little overstatement.
But thanx to h4mx0r, wine developers, game creators, POL, BASH and me (a little ) Conquer can get someting more goldy.
For now - only one problem - to input password on logon page user have to hold ALT key. That's all Think I have to post my 'knowhow' with registry fix about 3rd problem on, but using POL script is preferrable decision.
The script is on next message, ready for your testing and translation.

I have not problems with the game. Wait for your tests.


Edité par chain2k

chain2k Mercredi 21 Mai 2008 à 19:10

last version 26.05.2008

if [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ]
exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"


#Game and script presentation
presentation "Conquer Online" "TQ Digital" "" "chain" "ConquerOnline"

# Preparing translations
LNG_CO_PRES="Conquer Online is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG). In Conquer, thousands of online players adventure together in an enormous, persistent game world, forming friendships, slaying monsters, engaging in quests, and role-playing their characters in the game world."
LNG_CO_PRES_TITLE="Game Announce"
LNG_CO_DOWNED="Choose already downloaded .exe or .zip installer"
LNG_CO_URL="Open link in default browser to download installer manually"
LNG_CO_HOWTO="Please, choose preferable mirror on the page that will be displayed and download the client.
Make sure its VERSION is NOT LOWER than v5022 or installation can FAIL"
LNG_CO_WAIT_END="Click on "Next" after downloading and then indicate where the installer has been stored"
LNG_CO_INSTALLER_QUESTION="Where is the installer?"
LNG_CO_INSTALLER_ERROR="You have to choose the proper file"
LNG_CO_DEFAULT="Please, use default directory 'C:\Program Files\Conquer 2.0' in windows installation dialog."
LNG_CO_WINE_DOWNLOAD="We have to download and prepare wine version 1.0~rc2
with the patch for animated cursor.
Thanx to H.Verbeet for patch"
LNG_WA_EXTRACT_WAIT="Please, wait for preparing wine installation"
LNG_CO_FONT_DOWNLOAD="We have to download Sim Sun font"
LNG_CO_WINE_EXISTS="Patched wine version installed successfully or already present"
LANG_CO_WINEFAILED="Sorry, patched wine installation not found or failed, you need to redownload wine package"
LANG_CO_LAST="Installation finished. Don't forget to register an account on site for playing.
You MUST hold ALT button during LOGIN and PASSWORD input or you'll be unable to connect.
To make your life easy you can check 'Remember' on logon screen"
LANG_CO_CANCEL="Script canceled"
LNG_CO_PRES="FRENCH! Conquer Online is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG). In Conquer, thousands of online players adventure together in an enormous, persistent game world, forming friendships, slaying monsters, engaging in quests, and role-playing their characters in the game world."
LNG_CO_PRES_TITLE="Game Announce"
LNG_CO_DOWNED="Choose already downloaded .exe or .zip installer"
LNG_CO_URL="Open link in default browser to download installer manually"
LNG_CO_HOWTO="Please, choose preferable mirror on the page that will be displayed and download the client.
Make sure its VERSION is NOT LOWER than v5022 or installation can FAIL"
LNG_CO_WAIT_END="Click on "Next" after downloading and then indicate where the installer has been stored"
LNG_CO_INSTALLER_QUESTION="Where is the installer?"
LNG_CO_INSTALLER_ERROR="You have to choose the proper file"
LNG_CO_DEFAULT="Please, use default directory 'C:\Program Files\Conquer 2.0' in windows installation dialog."
LNG_CO_WINE_DOWNLOAD="We have to download and prepare wine version 1.0~rc2
with the patch for animated cursor.
Thanx to H.Verbeet for patch"
LNG_WA_EXTRACT_WAIT="Please, wait for preparing wine installation"
LNG_CO_FONT_DOWNLOAD="We have to download Sim Sun font"
LNG_CO_WINE_EXISTS="Patched wine version installed successfully or already present"
LANG_CO_WINEFAILED="Sorry, patched wine installation not found or failed, you need to redownload wine package"
LANG_CO_LAST="Installation finished. Don't forget to register an account on site for playing.
You MUST hold ALT button during LOGIN and PASSWORD input or you'll be unable to connect.
To make your life easy you can check 'Remember' on logon screen"
LANG_CO_CANCEL="Script canceled"

#define variables for wine version to easy change it later
# WINE_PACK_CO="1.0-rc2_ani.tar.gz"
# WINE_VER_CO="1.0-rc2_ani"
# define function to really cancel the script execution and remove tmp directories
cancel_co ()
if [ "$?" = "1" ]
attention "$LANG_CO_CANCEL" "$LANG_CO_FIN" 0 0 0 "" "$LANG_CO_FIN"
rm $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/ -r
rm $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/ConquerOnline -r
exit 0

#define function to check proper installer
#define variable for filename for easy script reading
#define variables that check picked filename for beginning string and for extension
GAME_NAME=$(expr "$FILE_NAME" : '\(Conquer\)')$(expr "$FILE_NAME" : '.*\(.exe\)')
ZIP_NAME=$(expr "$FILE_NAME" : '\(Conquer\)')$(expr "$FILE_NAME" : '.*\(.zip\)')
#message "$ZIP_NAME"
#first checking for .exe file, if not - call the function from the beginning,
#if .exe ok - check for zip, if ok - extract and change installer path for wine
if [ "$GAME_NAME" != "Conquer.exe" ]
if [ "$ZIP_NAME" != "" ]
error "$LNG_CO_INSTALLER_ERROR" "" 0 0 1 "" ""
run_and_wait "$LNG_EXTRACT_WAIT" "unzip $INSTALLER_PATH -d $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/" "" 4 11 1
#so as we don't really know filename we will check temp directory for extracted .exe
INSTALLER_PATH="$(ls | grep .exe)"
# define function for checking if /WineVersions/1.0-rc2_ani exists in case of failed downloading
if [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/WineVersions/$WINE_VER_CO/usr/bin/wine" ]
rm $REPERTOIRE/WineVersions/$WINE_VER_CO/ -r
download "$LNG_CO_WINE_DOWNLOAD" "$WINE_PACK_CO" "" 5 11 1
run_and_wait "$LNG_EXTRACT_WAIT" "tar -xvzf $WINE_PACK_CO" "" 6 11 1
cp -r "$WINE_VER_CO" $REPERTOIRE/WineVersions/
message "$LNG_CO_WINE_EXISTS" "" 5 11
#add fonts to registry
echo "\"Arial\"=\"arial.ttf\"" >> $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/fix.reg
echo "\"Courier New\"=\"cour.ttf\"" >> $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/fix.reg
echo "\"Sim Sun\"=\"simsun.ttf\"" >> $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/fix.reg

# change language
case "$POL_LANG" in

#prepare clean directory
if [ -d "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/" ]
rm $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/ -R
mkdir -p $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline
cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/
#tell user about download options or proceed to downloading
down=$(menu "" "$LNG_CO_DOWNED"~"$LNG_CO_URL" "" 1 11 1 "" "~")
if [ "$down" == "$LNG_CO_URL" ]
message "$LNG_CO_HOWTO" "" 2 11
message "$LNG_CO_WAIT_END"

#Downloading and installing wine with patch for animated cursors
#mkdir -p $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline
cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/

#prepare patched wine

#Prefix's creation
mkdir -p $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/ConquerOnline/
select_prefix "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/ConquerOnline/"
polprefixcreate 7 11

#install game with patched wine
attention "$LNG_CO_DEFAULT" "" 8 11
Set_WineVersion_Session "$WINE_VER_CO"
cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/

#download simsun font and fix Fonts prefix problem
if [ -d "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/ConquerOnline/drive_c/windows/Fonts/" ]
rm $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/ConquerOnline/drive_c/windows/Fonts/ -R
cd $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/ConquerOnline/drive_c/windows/
ln -s fonts Fonts

cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/
download "$LNG_CO_FONT_DOWNLOAD" "" "" 9 11 0
cp -f simsun.ttf $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/ConquerOnline/drive_c/windows/Fonts/

#copy needed dll's from game directory
cp -f $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/ConquerOnline/drive_c/Program\ Files/Conquer\ 2.0/mfc42.dll $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/ConquerOnline/drive_c/windows/system32/
cp -f $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/ConquerOnline/drive_c/Program\ Files/Conquer\ 2.0/msvcp60.dll $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/ConquerOnline/drive_c/windows/system32/

# Apply Fix with dll's and fonts in menu
echo "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\DllOverrides]" > $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/fix.reg
echo "\"mfc42\"=\"native\"" >> $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/fix.reg
echo "\"msvcp60\"=\"native\"" >> $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/fix.reg
echo "[HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software\Fonts]" >> $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/fix.reg
echo "\"LogPixels\"=dword:00000051" >> $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/fix.reg
echo "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts]" >> $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/fix.reg
echo "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts]" >> $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/fix.reg
regedit $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/fix.reg

#change wine options, reboot and create launcher
Set_Desktop On 1024 768
simulate_reboot 10 11
cd $DESKTOP && rm -f "Conquer 2.0.lnk" "Conquer 2.0.desktop"
creer_lanceur "ConquerOnline" "Program Files/Conquer 2.0/" "play.exe" "ConquerOnline" "Conquer Online"
Set_WineVersion_Assign "$WINE_VER_CO" "Conquer Online"

#tell user about sign-in specific issues, clear temp and finish.
attention "$LANG_CO_LAST" "$LANG_CO_FIN" 11 11 0 "" "$LANG_CO_FIN"
rm $REPERTOIRE/tmp/ConquerOnline/ -R
exit 0

Edité par chain2k

chain2k Mercredi 21 Mai 2008 à 19:12

and game icon

Edité par chain2k

chain2k Dimanche 25 Mai 2008 à 23:32

changed the script slightly for checking wine, easy translation, and cleaning tmp dirs on exit.
I builded wine rc2 with patch, but there are not reasonable changes, so if anyone want to test it, just change two variables
rc2 wine version commented now
chain2k Lundi 26 Mai 2008 à 11:15

Today I've found that installer can be in zip format (fast mirror , so I changed the script to support this.

Edité par chain2k

Taalaun Jeudi 29 Mai 2008 à 7:15

Hi! This installed perfectly, and ran autopatch without a hitch. Then pops up the high def/low def dialog. Clicking either one sends me to what acts like the login screen, but appears to be a solid black screen. It has the animated cursor, and the cursor changes to the grabbing hand where the server group scroll, the log in, and the CO site buttons are. Filling in the (completely hidden) UN and PW fields (right alt key held) and clicking the button that should be log in definitely does SOMETHING, because the cursor no longer changes to the hand over the various places listed above. It does not, however, ever load the in-game screen or any error.

Any ideas? Is this a botched install on my part? I'm a linux newbie, so I can see this as possible...

Ubuntu 8.04
chain2k Jeudi 29 Mai 2008 à 11:18

could you please tell me about your hardware and did you successfully run something with 3d before.
then run regedit from POL with Conquer OnLine selected and tell me what do you see in
here should be
LogPixels in 00000051
and for the end show what you see if u'll input in terminal
glxinfo | grep direct
Taalaun Jeudi 29 Mai 2008 à 18:04

I didn't even think about making sure I have the right drivers installed for my graphics card until you asked. I'm working on that right now. I've not run anything 3d on Ubuntu before trying to run Conquer. LogPixels is correct.

Running a ATI Radeon 9000 IGP... Barely able to run CO, but able (at least on Windows... :/).

glxinfo says "direct rendering: Yes"

I'll try again after installing the proper drivers!

Edité par Taalaun

chain2k Jeudi 29 Mai 2008 à 18:30

direct rendering: Yes
so your drivers are proper... think you install it with synaptic ..
I think I know your problem. Disable desktop effects. And better relogin after that to make sure you didn't use compiz manager. Wine and Linux 3d applications in most cases will not work with enabled desktop effects
Taalaun Jeudi 29 Mai 2008 à 19:04

Okay, Compiz replaced with metacity. I rebooted, and still no CO... Is there another 3d program I can test that will tell if the problem has something to do with my install or my drivers?

Without desktop effects, CO looks and acts the same.

I just tried to run winecfg, and, from the terminal, the error:
preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 00000000-60000000
err:dosmem:setup_dos_mem Cannot use first megabyte for DOS address space, please report

appears several times, then a GUI pops up. This box is absolutely tiny -- probably 120x80px. Completely unreadable. I read on the Wine AppDB that I should enable Virtual Desktop, so I was attempting to when this happened... I reinstalled wine via synaptic and don't see a change. Any ideas?

Edit 2:
I just uninstalled Wine and PlayOnLinux, then reinstalled both, then ran your script again. Now, I can use winecfg, but CO doesn't even hint at starting from POL... I think I've completely botched this somewhere along the way...

Edité par Taalaun

chain2k Vendredi 30 Mai 2008 à 0:49

preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 00000000-60000000
err:dosmem:setup_dos_mem Cannot use first megabyte for DOS address space, please report

thats known problem with kernel security patches, but that doesn't break the game.

This box is absolutely tiny -- probably 120x80px.


Without this you'll be unable to enter login, winodows will be not on their places
You didn't need to resintall wine, because POL use its own version.

if you reinstall POL, you have to see old llaunchers, if you didn't remove ~/.PlayOnLinux directory.

So. Lets try once again, and look whats happened. Step by step.

1. If you have old Conqer Online remove it from POL with prefix with POL menu
2. Run script again
3. If you successfully install the game, do the following - from terminal
cd ~/.PlayOnLinux/configurations/installed/
nano Conquer\ Online

and add '#' in line 4. the line must look so:
#export WINEDEBUG="-all"
then CTRL+X and agree to save changes
then run it
./Conquer\ Online

When you see that

Clicking either one sends me to what acts like the login screen, but appears to be a solid black screen. It has the animated cursor, and the cursor changes to the grabbing hand where the server group scroll, the log in, and the CO site buttons are.


finish apllication and then post terminal output here
if you can add a screenshot it will be good..because I'll can see what you get.

Edité par chain2k

Taalaun Vendredi 30 Mai 2008 à 2:08

So... When I reinstall, the Conquer Online 2.0 directory does not get created, so running the file in the terminal produces this error:
./Conquer Online: line 5: cd: /home/russ/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/ConquerOnline/drive_c/Program Files/Conquer 2.0/: No such file or directory

Is there a reset button somewhere? :/ I think somewhere in reinstalling wine and POL multiple times I've messed something about. Not familiar with Linux, what's the easiest way to be sure it's cleared off? I'm using Ubuntu, and I used Synaptic to remove/reinstall before... Evidentally, that didn't work properly.

Edit: I've just attempted to download and install SilkroadOnline, just now. It gives the same issue as explained above - it does not install any Silkroad info into its prefix... :/ I'm not really sure what's going on... I'm going to have to change distros soon, or something...

Edit 2: I uninstalled CO from POL, then used Synaptic to remove POL, then removed the .PlayOnLinux directory. Then I reinstalled POL and CO. The install was successful (i.e. put everything where it's supposed to go), but CO still doesn't run. Using your commands:
is a copy of what it left in the terminal.
And a screenie of what I see:

Edité par Taalaun

chain2k Vendredi 30 Mai 2008 à 7:28

tell me please what version of installer did you use? could you tell me full name of .exe file with Conquer Online installer? looks like system cannot find something. What mirror did you use for downloading?

Edité par chain2k

chain2k Vendredi 30 Mai 2008 à 8:15

I tryed to find the same errors from another users... looks that is the problem with ATI cards. Look here for example

so that is not a game problem.. but we can try to fix the problem, if we can that will be nice. For sure if you wish.

So first.. lets try to check the same things but with DirectX. Select Conquer Online launcher in POL and install DirectX from POL menu.
then try to check did something change with the game launch (with terminal)? ( and post please your new log if it's new)

than we can make regression test with wine. For example change wine version from POL menu to 0.9.58
than check terminal output as in previous test.
I can't check ati cards, but that I've read at Conquer Online support

You will have troubles if you're using old cards and drivers. Intel cards are unstable with the game, be they old or new. ATi Radeon 9200+ and GeForce FX Series cards are recommended for use with this game.


So looks like you may be can't to launch the game even from windows.

If all things will not help, the only desision as they say at Conquer Online site is trying to change your drivers version. We can test if last drivers from ATI site will work better, we can try to do it with ENVY ( software for video drivers installation) But first of all lets try to fix troubles without mess with drivers.

Edité par chain2k

peacemaster Vendredi 30 Mai 2008 à 20:11

Just stumbled across this. I get exactly the same problem. I do not have an ATI card. I have some laptop intel card which is pretty bad, and not recommended for the game in general. However, I used to run conquer online in windows without problems and under wine a year ago (maybe longer) using this very card.
But I believe that the linux drivers for my card are pretty bad because I cannot run some things I can run on windows using wine and that should run.
chain2k Vendredi 30 Mai 2008 à 21:09

for pity I have only different modelsof Nvidia cards.. and can't test with others

Taalaun, forgot to ask, did you use 32bit or 64bit installation of ubuntu?

and found the same errors with one of d3d dlls.. so may be installation of directx may help

Edité par chain2k

Jayles Lundi 9 Juin 2008 à 13:26

Thanks for your work chain2k, i've been trying to play conquer under linux for 3 years now, and with your script i've been farther than never before.

I Still can play it and i'll show you what's the problem, but first, here is my configuration :

- Ubuntu 8.04
- Vidéo Card : ATI X300
- Direct rendering : OK
- Compiz-fusion : Desactivated

Here is the problem now :


The game is printed on the screnn outside the wine desktop. To play, i have to clic on the right (in the wine deskop) and see the result on the left which is difficult .

I've got some problems too with the textures. At first, it was a mess, then i installed directx (using the playonlinux shortcut) and now they have disapeared. I think that the texts and windows in the game are or.

My main problem for the moment is to have the picture of the game in the game windows xD.

Any Idea ?


Edité par Jayles

pogztimz Mercredi 11 Juin 2008 à 9:33

the script worked perfectly fine with me, but until i downloaded a patch from Ubuntu this morning. i really dont know if the patch was the cause but it wont work anymore.
yesterday when conquer was working i was able to test 3D from POL. but now 3D test wont work. i also checked the drivers and and it is installed correctly.

here are some information u might want to know:



System Information:
Linux 2.6.24-18-generic
GeForce4 MX 4000/PCI/SSE2

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 73G 11G 59G 15% /
varrun 252M 216K 252M 1% /var/run
varlock 252M 0 252M 0% /var/lock
udev 252M 48K 252M 1% /dev
devshm 252M 56K 252M 1% /dev/shm
lrm 252M 38M 215M 15% /lib/modules/2.6.24-18-generic/volatile
gvfs-fuse-daemon 73G 11G 59G 15% /home/bsucomplab/.gvfs
/dev/scd0 4.4G 4.4G 0 100% /media/cdrom0

i hope u can fix this so i can play Conquer Again.. Ty and more power to u
rafaricoc Vendredi 13 Juin 2008 à 5:05

Hi I saw this post and got exited I wanted to make run conquer on linux about a year ago but i never could do it.
Your script works perfectly but I've been having the same problem that Taalaun, CO install just fine, it even got updated fine, but the login screen came out black, and a couple of times I saw the good image on the left and the weird one on the right, but i never star to play.
I installed directX but having the same problem.
here's my stuff
ubuntu 8.04 (32bits)
and.... an Intel Graphics ..... T__T
direct rendering ok and no compiz or beryl installed and i even turn off the fancy window manage in ubuntu :P

I used to run conquer on win and never had a problem but i dunno I'm reaaaaally noob in wine that's why I used POL

It would be really awesome if I coud run conquer xD

PS. I think you've made a great job with the script (Y)
dequire Lundi 9 Mars 2009 à 21:02

Hello. Any updates on this script running or still being possibly viable with Ubuntu 8.10 (Actually Linux Mint 6 built on 8.10 =) and the newer Wine version(s)? Looking to install this if possible and would love to run on Linux. This game is the only reason I still have XP.


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