
Proxy Issue

Microsoft Office 2010

Auteur Réponses
felipeabrao Mardi 19 September 2017 à 22:11

Hello, everybody!

I have installed PlayOnLinux for a couple of days, but have not yet been able to use it. Actually, I would like to run Microsoft Office 2010, that was later installed, but everytime I try to run Word, for example, a pop-up window appears asking for username and password in order to access the proxy server. I indeed use a proxy server, but even inserting the required infomation a fatal error occurs and Word must be closed. I have already written the proxy address and its port in the "Features > Internet" option of PlayOnLinux, with and without my username and password, but the same problem happens.

Would any of you have an idea to solve this problem?

Thank you all in advance!




Below are some information that may be usefeul.


Linux version: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Version de POL: 4.2.10.

Full computer specs: CPU 2,9 GiB, RAM 105,0 GB.

Edité par felipeabrao

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