
PlayOnLinux Script Creator

some suggestions

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chain2k Lundi 19 Mai 2008 à 5:20


I'm often use 'script creator' to test own ideas and scripts from here. Very helpfull, especcially tha I can run test from here. So I have some suggestions:
1. syntax highlight - very helpfull for easy script reading, so as colors were used in IRC, think it's not so hard to implement this, may be I'm wrong.
2. when I add function through menu it allways paste at the end of the script, instead at cursor position - it's not very convenient
3. if you'll add command - 'run with terminal' (user can add preferable terminal program in options) it will be easy to see what happens on script execution.

and one thing for plugins in general - to check for new versions on start or during POL execution like with the main program.

Zoloom Lundi 19 Mai 2008 à 17:18

Hello and thanks for using my software,

So for the syntax highlight it's my priority for the 1.0 version of POLSC.

For the second question i think i can make that for the 0.4 which will appear in few days.

For the third question i will try to make it, but i'm not sure, i'm prudent with this things.

Finally for updates, i make it for the 0.4. That's sure this time ;)

Thanks for your suggestions, i will make all i can do.

PS : Sorry for the poor english ^^ If you see some faults please tell me.

chain2k Lundi 19 Mai 2008 à 17:33

and tnx for reply, i'll wait for updates, you made very convenient tool.

and my english is so far from perfection
Zoloom Mardi 17 Juin 2008 à 21:17


POLSC 0.4 is out (just a French news for the moment).

meloves Mercredi 2 Juillet 2008 à 19:46

In order to make scripting easy you could allow us to make translations. Like: launcher/lançador

I mean, translations in the code part so that even beginners (e.g. dummies) can do it as well.
I guess you already did that with French language.

Thank you. =D
Zoloom Dimanche 13 Juillet 2008 à 19:06


Yes i'm gonna to translate it. For the next version i will use Qt rather than wxWidgets, so it can take a moment, but i think POLSC will be very useful after that.

The version 1.0 will be translate so...

Thanks for your fidelity.

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